the Father Jesus fully entrusted Himself to. It becomes easy to fully entrust ourselves to a God like that. He knows all, sees all, and is the creator and sustainer of all. He is undefeatable and unfailing. His love is unconditional. His grace is immeasurable. His gift of life is incomp...
However, Observer hardly ever resorts to this due to his morals regarding how he sees this. Relationships Gabriel The Beyonder Adopted son he had met in True Godverse. The two have an overall great friendship and often meme with each other. The two play games with each other often, and...
Christians start with the presupposition that there is no higher authority than the One, who knows everything & is eternally faithful, and his revelation in creation, in the Bible, and through the incarnation cannot fail to be wrong. Therefore presuppositional apologetics is The defense of the t...
It is taught that the Blazing Star is a symbol of Deity, of Omnipresence (the Creator is present everywhere), Omniscience (the Creator sees and knows all) and Omnipotence (the Creator is all powerful). Masonic Scholar Brother Albert Mackey wrote that the Blazing Star appears differently in sev...
booming voice cut that out. I preached last week on the rising of Tabitha/Dorcas. Peter knows how to do it from watching Jesus heal Jairus’ daughter. Again, Peter gets an up close personal seat to all these events. Though he’s not named, I’m sure Peter was among them fighting ove...
God knows everything other than Himself in the best manners because the knowledge-forms of things are His very essence. Things, therefore, have divine knowledge-forms before their actual existence, and these forms have a divine sacred existence. Whatever is a divine being is of necessity the mo...
He sees their hope, He knows their fear, And looks, and loves His image there. –Unknown (Quoted by Herbert Locker inSeasons of the Lord,246.) * Psalm 99:5; 11:7; Ephesians 3:18-19; Psalm 149:4; 86:15. RELATED POSTS:
Then, in verse 25, we see God turn the hearts of the godless to hate the people of God. Why would God turn the hearts of the godless against His own people? God does this to separate the people of God from the people of this present darkness. God knows that if His people join wit...
Two perspectives: In the paintings of Isaac blessing Jacob, take special note of Rebekah’s position and expression. She knows exactly what she is doing now, but she does not yet realize what the price is that she will have to pay. OR one could say that she is willing to pay any pric...
Right now the LORD will come to you. Even the smallest step of turning towards Him is rewarded with His coming. His eyes are watching for the repentant prodigal to return to Him, and when the LORD sees you turn from your sin and press on towards Him, He runs to you. He runs! He ...