If this psalm was written upon the occasion of Absalom’s rebellion, we know from other passages that God allowed David to suffer, leaving his throne, his city and his temple, realizing that he may never return. God allowed him to suffer, yet in the end, David returned to his city and...
We have new life in Christ. That old person who used to ___ is gone. Now we have new life in Christ and can live God’s way with His help. When someone comes to Christ, don’t remember who they used to be. See them as God sees them, as a new person. 1...
our own creation, and our own sin. …“Behold the man,” the image of God.Thatis Jesus, man as God wanted him to be when He created him, the man who lives wholly in the things of his Father. … Jesus Christ is come not only...
Thedoctrineof theclarity of Scripture(often called the "perspicuity of Scripture") teaches that "the meanings of the text can be clear to the ordinary reader, that God uses the text of theBibleto communicate His person and will."[1]"The witness of the Church throughout the ages is that...
As Isaiah said, every act of charity that we do in our flesh is as filthy rags before God (Isaiah 64:6). All of our motives are laid bare before the one to whom we must give an account. God sees our hearts, and knows when we claim to be serving him, but in the deep places ...
Zech. 13:8-9 – God says 2/3 shall perish, and 1/3 shall be left alive, put into the fire, and refined like silver and tested like gold. The ones that perish go to hell, and there is no need for refinement in heaven, so those being refined are in purgatory. ...
1. When the psalmist says: "The Lord God is a sun and shield" (Psa.84:11), he means that God is to all his creatures the source of life and blessedness, and their almighty protector; but this meaning he conveysunder the figureof a sun and a shield. When, again, the apostle James...
I think it takes something pretty important to make God angry and I think that’s why David says he’s slow to anger. But the Lord has every right to be angry when he sees some of the sinful ways we act out like we do. Old Testament or New, God is immutable in his character and...
Another reason why no meat is mentioned as being acceptable to Lord Krishna is that the soul, which is a part and parcel of the Lord Himself, is equally present in not only humans, but all species of life. “The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learn...
work of Nehemiah is not described as initiatory or final. The tradition omits all mention of the law, which may be supposed to have assumed its final shape under Ezra, but says that Nehemiah "gathered together the [writings] concerning the kings and prophets, and the [writings] of David, ...