But scripture assures me he understands and tends to me with loving compassion and patience. Even after ten thousand affronts, God still loves me as infinitely as ever. –Charles Spurgeon,Morning by Morning, 36 ‘You know what else? God doesn’t even see the filthy rags of our misdeeds. ...
often, that designation comes for a sectarian interpretation of scripture rather than the whole counsel of God. Even though the person labeled heretical believes in Jesus and the Atonement, the differences in theology are used to label someone a heretic. ...
Some days I feel overwhelmed by the number of people who I want to see or who want to see me. Despite it all I feel blessed to have not stayed safely in my shy, introverted space. I have allowed myself to be vulnerable and I have gained rich treasures in relationships that sustain m...
as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.20Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things.21For prophecy never had its origin...
concrete self-existence of God that he is simple. In maintaining the unity of simplicity of God on the basis of biblical teaching, the church is face to face with more enemies on every side. It is not only he who professes polytheism that opposes the simplicity of God. All who in any...
But despite the challenges, scripture presents God as more powerful the any adversary we may face, and on our side when we face adverse situations. We are encouraged and urged to put our faith and trust in him: Mark 4:35-51 describes Jesus standing up in the boat and commanding the stor...
开发者“Scripture Union”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。 未与你关联的数据 开发者可能会收集以下数据,但数据不会关联你的身份: 标识符 使用数据 诊断 隐私处理规范可能基于你使用的功能或你的年龄等因素而有所不同。了解更多 ...
Jews and Muslims share with us Christians the First Testament, and so it can be argued (though not all will agree) that we all worship the same God, whether by the name of Jehovah, Allah or God our Father. And all recognise Jesus as a significant person, though Jews see him as a Ra...
I was so immersed in the scripture yesterday and then they showed the classic art masterpiece by Raphael. My mind was recalling different visions I have had personally, and other’s stories of great manifestations. My spirit was soaring…until the pastor dialed it-all-back-down. ...
God’s throne is referenced frequently throughout Scripture. Not only is it a symbol of God’ssovereigntyandkingship, but it is also mentioned in connection with Hispurity,holiness,righteousness,power, andbeauty. However, despite its symbolic versatility, its clarity remains somewhat shrouded in myst...