The Only Way to Know Truth and To Know God in Himself is to Receive Revelation: GOD revealing himself as he understands himself to us in a way that we can understand. God can’t be known by natural means, and can only be understood in the relationship of love. ...
Yesterday we looked at this verse that is so revealing of the pain associated with the Israelites going their own way and not responding to God and His love for them. This morning I thought of the parable of the lost son who rebelled and spent his inheritance sinfully and wound up in th...
First, God exists and relates to the universe. Second, He has given the human mind capacity to know Him. Third, He has revealed Himself to man. God exists. God created man to know Him. God communicates Himself to us through His revelation. All science rests on faith. We have faith ...
He attempted to kill her but couldn't bring himself to do so and instead vowed that he would hate and never forgive her, much to her sorrow. To this day, she remains blind to her son's desire to physically feel again and that her own fears brought about the torment Baldur endures. ...
So, in a way, this blog—and eventual book—will be a word study. Butnot justa word study. It will be agracestudy, a study of the grace God shows in revealing himself to us in ways we can understand. “Let him who has ears, let him hear,” Jesus said.4And even more than that...
This moment occurs on Mount Sinai, where Moses has ascended to receive the second set of tablets after the first were broken. The LORD's passing signifies His presence and glory, a theophany that underscores His willingness to reveal Himself to humanity. This event parallels other divine ...
As he continues forth, passing a tree with a yellow hand print that is adorned to its bark, he suddenly finds himself lost in an unfamiliar terrain. Atreus eventually finds the animal which is a large doe on the ground with an arrow stuck in its own neck. He eventually calms down, ...
If you have access to a hymn-book do take the time to reflect on them, see how the writers have used so many different ways of praising God in the joy of Easter. After all this is the whole purpose of the Christian story—God revealing himself to mankind through the gift of his son...
Revealing Your Life's Purpose,Sermons,Sharing God More Accurately,Sharing In God's JOy,Sharing In God's Laughter,Sharing In The Divine Nature,Son and Holy Spirit,The Basic Christian Belief,The Church,The Dance and Dream of the Trinity,The Father,The Father Loves and Like You Fest,The God ...
God either revealed himself to us (many religions), or he didn’t (Atheism, Agnosticism). Jesus is the eternally existent God (Christianity), or He isn’t (everything else, including the Mormon and Jehovah’s Witness). In fact, in Islam, it is an unforgivable sin to claim that Jesus ...