Next came the realization that God had given him a gift for preaching, and his church licensed him to do so. Lott ministered to a small black congregation for a time, and under his leadership, it grew to over eight hundred members. Lott began receiving invitations to preach all over Virgi...
But there is a warning here also: let us not be the adversary to someone else and let us not cause adversity for others. God is on the side of his children, but he will not stand by us when we harm his other children. God expects us to emulate him, by standing up for people and...
he rescues his people completely and permanently, and this means he always intercedes for and protects his people. Jesus’ sacrifice was “once for all” and “forever,” and its atonement needs no re-application. It’s a permanent marker, not a pencil. ...
The state protects human being by all means but they send the poor animals to the slaughter house. This is against the principle of morality. In India there are certain terminologies in respect of the learned scholars, devotees of the Supreme Lord and the Lord also. The learned scholar is ...
Whether it’s a boat, chest, or cabinet, it protects something precious. The arks in the Bible are all in the Old Testament and as such, are related to Jewish events. The first is the Ark of Noah, in which all holy and righteous life on Earth was rescued from the Lord’s flood. ...
This is an important detail of Scripture. First, that the wilderness came after the baptism. After Jesus made his public confession, the first thing God did to prepare Him for public ministry was lead him into the wilderness. He led Him at just the right time, when He was full of the ...
These stories are how I hear God talking to me in His creative waysFeatured:March 14, 2021 Getting Easier It is getting easier to apologize, now that God is working with me on humility! I am still screwing up at times, but God is sending me test cases to mess up, so I can feel...
Insular preaching and teaching, that which is offered to meet privileged congregants and congregations where they are, protects White Lives from knowing about and caring about Black Lives. It shields White Lives from knowing about and caring about -and- -rejecting- -in- -the- -name- -of- -...
this piece also is from God’s armory. And the idea that faith is a shield is everywhere in Scripture, but with a small twist. For example, in Genesis 15, where Abram believes God and his faith was credited to him as righteousness, we are told in verse 1 that God will be Abram’s...
No, this person lives every minute of his life under the protection of God. This protection is only for those who belong to God, who dwell with him and trust him. The rest of the psalm describes the ways God protects his own. We see protection from traps and snares, pestilence and ...