It often refers to God protecting and caring for his people (2 Sam 7:20; Ps 144:3). When the subject is a king (suzerain) and the object is a servant (vassal), it often has covenantal overtones. In several ancient Near Eastern languages this term depicts...
Thank you, God, for protecting me, my family, and everyone I know from the evils of the world. With your blessings, there is nothing that can harm us. Thank you, God, for the food I eat, the bed I sleep in, and the roof over my head. Thank you, God, to the people who make...
Since God cares, He also wants to protect you from harm. You may not notice it, but every day, He is actually at work in your life. He sends His guardian angels to help and protect you. And sometimes, they are those people who surround you. Moreover, God has protected you from uns...
5; see Ps 91:1; Num 14:9; Jer 48:45; Lam 4:20), protecting them during the day or night (v. 6: see Pss 16:8; 91:5-6; 109:31). For the Lord is the Shepherd of his people (see Ps 23), who protects and guides them whether they are awake or sleeping, at home or on...
Letus give all thanks and glory toGodthe Father who hasletus bear abundant fruits in spirit and body in the first half of this year, and also forprotectingus like the apple of His eye.How thankful haveyoubeen in the first half of this year?
Then, in verse 25, we see God turn the hearts of the godless to hate the people of God. Why would God turn the hearts of the godless against His own people? God does this to separate the people of God from the people of this present darkness. God knows that if His people join wit...
Emmanuel.--As spoken by Isaiah, the name, like that of The Lord our Righteousness, applied by Jeremiah not only to the future Christ (Jeremiah 23:6), but to Jerusalem (Jeremiah 33:16), did not necessarily mean more than that "God was with His people," protecting, guiding, ruling them...
Guardrails on a road serve the purpose of protecting you in dangerous places so that you don’t drive into a ditch or off a cliff. Guardrails are a safety mechanism to keep you on the road. If there is no centerline or white sideline, driving in the dark can be treacherous, and if ...
Well, keep reading becausePsalm 91is one of just a few places in Scripture that describe what we might call “guardian angels” (Exodus 23:20;Psalm 43:3). Though rare, these passages teach that God is not alone in maintaining and protecting His creation and His people. He has made a ...
However, the third way a false statement is used is by the speaker knowing it is false, or being willingly ignorant that it is false (in attempt to give himself an excuse of innocence), where he purposefully misleads people for his own benefit, and that is the sin. A false statement ...