He could declare himself the ruler of the pantheon, they reason, but his dictates can’t alter the rhythms of the sea and the cycles of nature. Thassa and Nylea will continue as they are, as they always have been, whatever squabbles their brothers might have. Ephara, Karametra, and ...
once a Spartan general, faced the ultimate test when Ares, theGod of War, manipulated him into slaying his own family. Consumed by guilt and driven by revenge, Kratos embarked on a path to dethrone Ares and claim his place among the gods....
dnd神系(DNDisgod)dnd神系(DND is god)This is the origin of the dark elves; thirteen thousand years ago, in the Forgotten Realms on the elves each other off the "crown war", from a war for three thousand years. Ai river reach (ARYVANDAAR) Mai Ye Lee Kobita (MIYERITAR), Santa ...
DnD_Moldvay_AmandatheAmazon Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space Dogs-in-the-Vineyard Dragon Age RPG Dragon-Age-RPG-PT-BR DragonQuest Dungeon World Português Dungeon-slayers-4 DungeonSquad DungeonWorld DungeonWorldFrench DungeonWorldSpanish Dungeons the Dragoning 40000 7th Editi...
dnd神系(DNDisgod) Thisistheoriginofthedarkelves;thirteenthousandyearsago,intheForgottenRealmsontheelveseachotheroffthe"crownwar",fromawarforthreethousandyears.Airiverreach (ARYVANDAAR)MaiYeLeeKobita(MIYERITAR),SantaOsrael(SHANTELORTHREIER),Kell,KELTORMIR(),Elise(ILYTHIIR),andtheir ...
In the morning I am cleaning the room on Saturday, Sunday in the afternoon has gone to the beach. [translate] athis paga Contains the the following errors;error on 1ine 18at co1umn8;opening dnd ending tag mismatct;BR 1ine o and div;Below is a rendering of the pageup to the firt...
Wild Talents: Night Warden – Taking on multiple opponents [Day 4 of 6] Night Warden is a case of a player wanting to optimize how many attacks he can get per round. Quick view of Read More
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The Tome of Adventure Design is literally my go to reference when I'm looking to create a new adventure. I have it load on my desktop, my laptop, my tablet, my phone and I own two hardcovers. Yes, I really like this book - a lot! Normally $21.00 in PDF, until 11 AM tomorrow ...
Church of God by Faith