蜘蛛神后罗丝(在完美神力[ Complete Divine ]第114页,以及神与半神[ Deities & Demigods ]第81页上有描述)是一名获得神格的恶魔,她的无限领域是无底深渊众多中极恶阴谋的核心与纽带。通过将主物质位面的诸世界拽入蜘蛛魔网的方式,罗丝不懈地试图拓展她的国度,而每一次征服都会赋予蜘蛛神后更多的力量。蜘蛛之恶魔...
现在祂领导着狂怒众神(Deitiesof Fury)-欧吕尔(Aruil,寒冬女神)、马拉(Malar,猎杀之神)、安博 里(Umberlee,海洋女神) 。虽然祂与欧吕尔间的关系十分亲近,但风暴之王从来也不曾对夺取寒霜少 女神职的举动感到后悔。祂与深海女王的关系颇为暧昧,但却又充满竞争。然而,祂只是极为勉强的与猛 兽之王合作,且如果马拉...
艾达丝Eldath,密黎尔Milil,密斯特拉Mystra和欧格玛Oghma在《信仰与化身Faiths and Avatars》(TSR #09516)中有详细介绍,深海·赛悉拉(Deep Sashelas)在《亚人神祇Demihuman Deities》(TSR #09585)中有详细介绍。下面提到的所有其他神及女神(以及他们的牧师的细节)都可以在《怪物神话Monstrous Mythology》(#02128)中...
Think of Thor or Zeus, the gods of the sea, skies, earthquakes, and storms; A Tempest domain Cleric walks the path of strength and justice, and delivers the wrath of their deities in style. Tempest Clerics are intimidating damage dealers, and they can be terrifying on the battlefield. ...
•Order of the Mutant •Order of the Profane Soul Quick Links •Blood Curse •Mutagens TheCleric Clerics are intermediaries between the mortal world and the distant planes of the gods. As varied as the gods they serve, clerics strive to embody the handiwork of their deities. No ordina...
Ancient beings that deal with powers too illogical and elusive for mortal minds to comprehend, their knowledge is immeasurable, and the scope of their power untold. Most have been worshiped as deities at some point, including the Chained God Tharizdun or the (absolute classic) Great Cthulhu. ...
Random Elemental Plane of Water Encounters - From navigating treacherous coral labyrinths to uncovering submerged temples dedicated to forgotten water deities, this generator dives deep into the possibilities of the aqueous abyss. It's a realm of fluid encounters and submerged secrets. Random Forest ...
2e《demihuman deities》Page.24齐雅温纱丽Kiaransalee[]内为译注 死者女士Lady of the Dead, 复仇者the Revenancer, 复仇怨灵the Vengeful Banshee深渊半神Demipower of the Abyss混乱邪恶CE神职PORTFOLIO: 不死Undead, 复仇vengeance别名ALIASES : 齐雅瑞瑟丽Kiaranselee居住位面DOMAIN NAME : 113th Level/死灭之塔...
Selûne is thought to be among the most ancient of Faerûn's deities. Most humans in Faerûn consider the moon in the sky to literally be the goddess gazing down on the world, and the trailing motes of light behind it her tears. She is also a goddess of stars and navigation as ...