God, loves you unconditionally and dwells in you through the Holy Spirit. He desires for you to engage more deeply in your relationship with Him. He is a living partner. He serves as your advocate, guiding you on our journey. He speaks to the Father on your behalf. He redirects you, a...
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The liberal says that God loves everybody unconditionally just the way they are, which means they do not need to repent or conform to a likeness of Christ. God forbid! On the other end of the spectrum, self-righteous religiosity holds the masses in contempt while uttering false blessings ...
God in them always loves us. "Divine Love is distinguished by the fact that whatever you gain in it, no one can take away from you. Moreover, the further you are from the one you love, the closer you are, the stronger your Love is. In human love, it is the opposite: only when...
Well, that’s what the rest of 1 John is all about, which you can read on your own. But the bottom line is that you need to unconditionally love and freely forgive, just as God loves and forgives us. But all of that will have to be saved for another study. ...
This is a picture of a God who loves us compassionately, steadfastly, loyally and unconditionally. He is a God who doesn’t give up on us no matter how hard we screw up! Our God causes our worst moments to be the catalyst for our greatest triumphs. This is His AMAZING Grace! This ...
We find salvation from sin and God’s wrath in Christ alone. We know that His love provided the impetus to save us, and that should push us to love with the same kind of love, knowing we are unconditionally loved and forgiven.
You are completely his and he loves you unconditionally, in spite of the gap.“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.”1...
Little by little, for the best reasons, I started to put in “if”, “have to”, “should”, “must” because I wanted to please Him. I already please Him, He loves me unconditionally and only asks me to love Him back! THANK YOU LORD JESUS!
“With the music, it’s more of a roots acoustic rock with a close-to-the-earth vibe. With my heart, it’s a deeper knowing that Abba loves me as I am, not as I should be. It’s taken every step in a long journey to get here and I think you will feel that in this song....