16 says that God sent His Son, Jesus, because He loves us so much. Romans 5:8 tells us that Jesus died for us even when we were still sinners. This shows that God's love is unconditional and forgiving. So, when we say "God is love," we mean that His love is always there for...
“I got this” come from the death defeating spirt. The warm relief that flows from that is the unconditional love God has for His children. I trust you Father with every beautiful day and every very difficult day, knowing my life is forever in your hands as I pursue the plan you ...
King James only! Preaching God's unconditional love. Jesus came to SAVE SINNERS! John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
The Greek word for "love" here is "agapē," which refers to a selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love. In the context of early Christianity, this was a radical departure from the more common forms of love, such as "eros" (romantic love) or "philia" (brotherly love). The use of "...
Give Thanks for His Love In 1 John, the disciple says straight out that, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). In Scripture, we see those that received and embraced His unconditional love for them humbly and joyfully thanked the Lord for it. ...
Just as a godly father’s presence in our daily lives is one of protection, security, and unconditional love, the constant presence of our heavenly Father is what gives us the strength and covering we need for this life’s journey. This is one of my favorite names of God because in it...
A Prayer On Love Father God, In the middle of the chaos we call life, may we be still enough to recognize the love you have for your creation. May we trust in Your unfailing and unconditional love. As You have loved us, may we love one another. Forgive us for the times when we...
to multiple reason are denying their potential beliefe which in Quran mentioned as 'those who do wrong' so love of Allah/God is with us which we are in his protection but some people choose to ran away from his unconditional love but they can return to realm of his mercy by repentance ...
Verse (Click for Chapter) New International VersionJesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.New Living TranslationJesus told them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, because...
No, the love and mercy of God are universal in their extent. They apply to all of us. To the entire human race. And the word for love that Paul uses here, by the way, is agape. So this is God’s unconditional love for all of us. We will learn next time that God loved us ...