1第一堂第一堂::認識神認識神((一)──── 從詩篇從詩篇23篇認識神的名篇認識神的名 學習目標學習目標:: 認識神立約的名字。以神的名字向神舵,來培育你個人與神的親密關係,使你在祂的 性情上有份,建立代哆的屬靈體質;並使你的舵更蒙垂聽。 中心經文中心經文::詩23:1 〔大衛的詩〕耶...
Hebrews 8:11 :“None of them shall teach his neighbour, and none his brother, saying, ‘know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.” Today’s Meditation:Today, our knowledge of God is not just from the outside, but from the inside as...
Chapter 1: Knowing God Through Natural Revelation, Reason, and Faithcalled the Lord
Knowing God 作者:J. I. Packer 出版社:InterVarsity Press 副标题:认识神 出版年:1993-7-24 页数:286 定价:USD 20.00 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780830816507 豆瓣评分 9.5 123人评价 5星 77.2% 4星 18.7% 3星 4.1% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记...
In all these cases, if we are honest, we can say we know about these people without really knowing them. So it often is with God. Many people mistakenly feel they know Him when they only know about Him. Knowing someone involves a relationship, and a relationship involves an investment. ...
An Unassuming Humility Our Savior God is a humble God. Even though he’s the sovereign power of the universe, Christ humbled himself to be born a helpless baby, grow into manhood, and suffer death in the place of all sinners who put their faith in him [4]. How dare I entertain even...
God is seeking you much more. He is the Love and you are His beloved. He has promised Himself to you. –John of the Cross, Spanish priest (1542-91) And when we consider all these attributes of our God of hope—his . . .
hippy 评论Knowing God 2005-08-23 17:27:11 我和几个弟兄姊妹正在读这本书,觉得能够给自己带来一些帮助,也是一本不错的入门的认识神的材料。作者功力非凡,对神的认识也比较深入,维护并重申了许多被当代地基督徒忽略的很多重大问题。 有用5 没用0 有关键情节透露 ...
aAcquaintance is a God, knowing each other is of man, affectionate they intend to, we can get together, because of consonance. Fate is heaven. 相识是上帝,知道由于和谐,是人,富感情他们意欲对,我们可以聚会。 命运是天堂。[translate]
Is not the Jesus of the gospels largely an imaginary figure? – and so on. Nor is this all. Scepticism about both divine revelation and Christian origins has bred a wider scepticism which abandons all idea of a unity of truth, and with it any hope of unified human knowledge; so that it...