Of course that’s true. Godin all his glory resides there. Also, if he’s provided astounding beauty, pleasurable activity, and satisfying purpose for us on earth, he will certainly provide all that and more in heaven. Joy is the serious business of heaven. –C.S. Lewis[3] Lewis wasn...
I praise you Lord God, that your Word is living and active. No matter how often we read a passage or hear a scripture story, you can breathe fresh life into its meaning and impact. The Christmas narrative is no exception. As we read and hear again the grand story of Jesus’ birth, ...
something like, "man is the helpmeet of the woman." God is all-knowing, so he would have known that we would argue about this, so if he had wanted his writers to communicate to us that woman was the equal to man, reasonable
As for today’s headlines tout stories of scandal, tragedy, and war; believers can be confident knowing all they need is God’s love. Theologian A.W. Tozer once stated, “Nothing God ever does, or ever did, or ever will do, is separate from the love of God.” Everything He has ...
Our world is very focused on ourselves. We talk about what we have achieved for ourselves. What we want. What we deserve. But outside of God, everything else is useless. With God, all things have more meaning. It isn’t wrong to be successful, but if it distracts us from our Lord...
What Is God God is the creator and ruler of the universe and is often referred to as the Supreme Being. In many religions, God is believed to be all-powerful, all-knowing, and benevolent. The concept of God varies from one religion to another, and even within different sects of the sa...
God is love so here again, the perfect model of all of these attributes is right here with you. Always.God is all knowing, all seeing, all powerful, and has authority over absolutely everything. He is not some distant figure, some big guy living in the clouds. When He was in the te...
Too many liberal scholars try to pick and choose which parts of the Bible to believe in. It all comes down to what they want it to say, not what it actually says. You can’t do that. You either believe it all or believe none of it. If Jesus is God, then His every word ought ...
months as more of who I am is stripped away. I am full of joy though at my core, even when I find myself weeping for what was. I am ready to go. I am at peace with how I have chosen to live these past three years. The joy comes from knowing I am ascending to my heavenly ...
are doing their thing. “All by itself, the soil produces corn.” And the seed knows the steps of growth – they are programmed into the seed: “first the stalk, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.” And when it is ripe and ready, the man comes to harvest the result....