I know I often talk about scripture is our trusted source for all things God, but that doesn’t diminish His awesome presence all around us. If you think back over the last two days, can you think of a way the Lord has tried to get your attention? Maybe it was the Pastor in your...
As Jesus comes up out of the water, the heavens open and the Spirit of God descends on Jesus in the form of a dove, and the voice of God is heard saying, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” This is the only place in the Bible where Father, Son and...
This is no coincidence because there is a clear correlation between food and sin when it comes our self-discipline. Food is necessary for our survival, but is also desirable for our own personal pleasure. In the same way, our sin is often instinctual because it is driven by our fleshly d...
Here is a related sermon in the Spanish language: La imposición de las manos y la sucesión apostólica. Blessing of Children or Infant Baptism? Which does the Bible endorse? Two videos of related interest are available: Infant Baptism Scripture and History and The Blessing of Little Children ...
Truth is also important to me. In talking with my social worker this year, he suggested that one of the reasons that I bristle when people consistently move to denial of my dying with me is that I am being authentic and do not want others to try to distract me from this. I want to...
The imagery of a field implies that the church is a place where spiritual seeds are sown, nurtured, and expected to bear fruit. This agricultural metaphor is common in Scripture, as seen in Jesus' parables, such as the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23). The field represents the ...
” The answer in short is that God knows the wickedness of our hearts and He knows how to address it in the culture and time in which the Scripture was written. It’s easy to armchair quarterback the Bible when we live in a completely different time and culture. I hope that these ...
Yes, otherwise it would not be written in the Scripture. The number six is the number of man, since man was created on day six. Man was made from the dust and the stone jars are symbolic of our flesh. It was symbolic of the new spiritual life Jesus would bring. ...
The Earliest Writers of Scripture Affirmed Jesus’ Deity The earliest document evidence we have related to Jesus describes Him as a miracle worker who claimed to be God and rose from the dead. Jesus Demonstrated His Deity At the Resurrection: ...
Apart from Scripture, this is pretty much my favorite quote in the world. The part I italicized above, especially. I have an art print of it, hanging near my front door, with an arrow pointing out the window. Here is the world.It’s right there: out the window. But it’s also rig...