Posted byJill Richardon September 30, 2013 inGod is a Miracle Worker,God is a Revealer,My God is opening the eyes of the blind,Psalm Tags:blind,blindness,Jesus,Mark 10,open our eyes lord,Psalm 146:8,relationship,we want to see jesus ...
So many things changed that led up to 2013, but in 2013. Starting in January I began the quest with my friend Carol to take care of ourselves and lose weight. I have lost almost 50 lbs (49.7 to be accurate). People ask me how, and sadly my response is a lot of exercise and Weig...
On this third week, we focus on New Testament principles of sacrificial giving – a development on the Old Testament principle of tithing. First, Psalm 89 draws our focus to the fact that everything is made by God, comes from God and belongs to God. The psalmist says (v11), “The he...
MORE THAN A FEELING 试听 3:24 5 SAFE AND SOUND Forrest Frank、 CAIN 试听 2:58 6 LIFE IS GOOD 试听 2:48 7 MIRACLE WORKER Forrest Frank、 Tori Kelly 试听 3:03 8 HEY GRANDAD 试听 3:20 9 ALL I NEED Forrest Frank、 Hulvey 试听 3:23 10 GOD IS GOOD Forrest ...
Abetilukara bi ajere,(God who is all ears) Aiku,(Living God) Aisa,(Faithful) Oba ti ki sun, ti ki togbe (The king that neither sleeps nor slumbers) Oba onise nla,(The great worker of good) Onigbonwo wa, (Our sponsor) Olorun pipe,(Perfect God) ...
The book NINE is a humorous look into the mind of a young woman going through nine months of pregnancy to have her first child. Pregnancy and birth is such a peculiar experience and is so completely different for everyone. Some women fall right into it. For others, it is not so easy....
Remember God Is A Promise Keeper And A Miracle Worker, And He Has Plans In Your Life That’s Going To Bless You More Than You Could Ever Imagine!! ~Stay Encouraged~ Speaker:Keisha "Been Released" Wade Encouragement Speaker, Author, and Prayer Warrior ...
Remember God Is A Promise Keeper And A Miracle Worker, And He Has Plans In Your Life That’s Going To Bless You More Than You Could Ever Imagine!! ~Stay Encouraged~ Speaker: Keisha "Been Released" Wade Encouragement Speaker, Author, and Prayer Warrior Ministry: Released (an Encouragement ...
He is a promise-keeper, a miracle-worker, a light in the darkness. That’s who He is – His faithfulness is part of His identity. To be faithful is to be steadfast. It means holding steady through trials and tribulations. It means showing up consistently when fears and doubts arise. ...
The earliest document evidence we have related to Jesus describes Him as a miracle worker who claimed to be God and rose from the dead. Jesus Demonstrated His Deity At the Resurrection: The Resurrection of Jesus is the Most Reasonable Inference ...