"Son, God loves you even though you don't derserve it. Even though you've rejected him and spat in his face. God sent Jesus to die on the cross and take the punishment for your sin, because he loves you." 我不得不承认,这段话真真正正的打动了我,或者说,打动了我的某些价值理念。前...
You Can Know That You Are Going To Heaven –“These things I have written to you who believe in the name of theSon of Godthat you may know that you have eternal life,”– 1 John 5:13 Believing that theLord Jesus Christdied on the cross for me and is now living, I come now aski...
据伦敦“泰hearts;晤hearts;士hearts;报hearts;”报道, Which, according to the London Times, 差不多是一样的。 is about the same. 嗯,马加利可能已经死了。 Well, Magali could have died. 你也是。 You too. 你为什么不想一个人做这个驱魔仪式? Why didnt you want to do this exorcism alone? 你...
Once Jesus was up on the cross, the sun stopped shining for three whole hours in the middle of the day, but those soldiers kept right on making fun of Him.当耶稣被钉上十字架之时,正午之阳也停止了照耀,持续了整整三个小时,但那些士兵仍继续取笑他。They said, if you're really God's S...
†How does Jesus’ death on a cross accomplish anything? Let us now look at the whole idea of death, considered by the so called thinkers and martyrs: Socrates died a good death. He believed in the immortality of the soul and for him death was a breakthrough to a ...
The whole idea of Christ bearing my sins for me was really brought home to me this Easter. It all of sudden occurred to me that when Jesus took my sins in His body on the Cross, He boreALLmy sins, and once that happened, I became sin-less, as if I had never sinned. I could pi...
That God died. If Jesus died on the cross then God died, because Jesus is God. Normally saying “God died” would be a ridiculous thing to say. The infinite source of life itself cannot cease, be eclipsed, dissolve, or enter into non-being. But if by that short sentence what you mea...
Jesus either died on the cross (Christianity), or He didn’t (Islam). The Koran repeatedly claims that Jesus did not die on the cross (Sura 4:157-158). What evidence does Islam offer? One guy with a vision over 500 years after the fact. That is not what we base history upon, esp...
Then it happened. A woman stepped off the still-moving trolley, caught her skirt under a wheel, and was pulled under. She died at the scene. James agonized over the terrible accident. “Oh God, deliver me, and I’ll serve you!” he wrote in his journal. ...
If the person says “Yes” to all my questions I lead them through this prayer. “Jesus Christ I believe You are the son of God, born of a virgin. That You died on the cross for my sins and after three days were resurrected from the dead and now sit on the right side of God, ...