Once Jesus was up on the cross, the sun stopped shining for three whole hours in the middle of the day, but those soldiers kept right on making fun of Him.当耶稣被钉上十字架之时,正午之阳也停止了照耀,持续了整整三个小时,但那些士兵仍继续取笑他。They said, if you're really God's S...
Jesus could have called on angels to save Him, but He loved us so much that He wanted to rescue us. So instead, He prayed to God, "Father, I place my life into Your hands." At that moment, Jesus died. And when He died, the soldiers who had jus...
On the cross, Jesus died for our sin, for our badness. We were guilty and He paid for the guilt. When we confess our sins, we are taking care of what is wrong and what the cross already pays for. Being a man or woman of God is a matter of being humble and truthful about our ...
Jesus hung on the cross alone. When we are on our cross, we are alone as well. It is only then when we understand how much pain he was in. And it wasn’t just the physical pain, it is the fact that nobody cared. – Just a few people at the foot of the cross. There would ...
The Story: Jesus, the Son of GodChapterpp
†How does Jesus’ death on a cross accomplish anything? Let us now look at the whole idea of death, considered by the so called thinkers and martyrs: Socrates died a good death. He believed in the immortality of the soul and for him death was a breakthrough to a ...
Another example: Remember that time when an actor came to your church and portrayed Jesus, telling stories from His life? His physical appearance matched how many people imagine Christ may have looked. As the actor entered the sanctuary from the back and slowly walked toward the platform, he ...
Jesus Washes His Friends' Feet: With Aisha, Sofia Salas. Zoe had so much fun outside playing with her toys, but they got dirty, so she's going to wash them. Aisha and her Cupcake Food Truck tell the true story from the Bible about when Jesus washed His f
I believe Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins and I have given my life to God. The relationship that has been forged in this act of faith has enabled me to have hope in whatever situation I find myself in because I know I am not alone. I KNOW that the One ...
Jesus proved he could do it by resurrecting himself. Otherwise, we would have no reason to believe it. If Jesus hadn’t died on the cross and been resurrected more than 2,000 years ago, you would have zero chance of getting to Heaven — no hope of the afterlife and no eternal life....