Sermon:Jesus teaches us to addressGod as our FatherIt’s an old nameWith a new soundSinging:Ps 103 : 1Hy 1aPs 68 : 3Ps 103 : 4, 5Hy 47 : 1, 2, 10Hy 48 : 1 – 4 Sermon ID 1122157225110 Duration 1:12:33 Date Nov 22, 2015 Category Sunday - PM Bible Text 使徒保羅與厄拉氐...
“Give us each day our daily bread” (Luke 11:3) hallows God as our Father. Our Father is the Bread Supplier and He never wants His children forsaken or embarrassed—I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. (Psalm ...
The three of us chatted a bit and we affirmed to Emily the fine character traits we’d witnessed, and the truths that God loved her and had her best interest at heart. It was our prayer God would use our gift as a demonstration of his attentive care. On the way out, the hostess st...
(an earlier Zechariah – not the father of John the Baptist) is stoned to death for speaking God’s Word. Psalm 31, which includes the words that both Jesus and Stephen speak as they died. And John 6, which is the ordinary reading for today, from Jesus’ long sermon on the Bread of...
C. H. SpurgeonA Sermon(No. 213)Delivered on Sabbath Morning, September 12, 1858, by the REV. C. H. Spurgeon at the Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens"Our Father
As that sermon called the clergy to a metanoia from laxness to self-sacrifice, so this sermon challenges them to the work for which they were "constituted" at their ordinations, to live out their duty to be the "salt of the earth."The phrase "salt of the earth" has become a ...
There are also those listening who will one day be in the delightful company of parents, and there are single adults who have such profound influence on our homes. History's most famous mother was called by mother to her task, just as parents today are called by God to their task. I....
When we pray "Our Father" it reminds us of the precious relationship we have with God. We are a part of God's family. We belong to God. January 1, 2014 Rick Ezell Sermons Sermon: Calling on God's Name - Genesis 4 God's name tells us what kind of God he is. January 1, 2014...
Sermon Activity 90 In Revelation 3, Jesus makes several promises revolving around the phrase "My God". Why does Jesus refer to God the Father as His God? What does this statement tell us about the relationship in the Godhead and Trinity? Today we unpack this using Scripture as our guid...
The whole point of the Sermon on the Mount was to show people who converted to Christianity how to live. It is to show how Christians should live in their actions, words, thoughts, and others ways of life. With that being said, this way of life was preached by Jesus Christ as he “...