Faith of Our Fathers: Dirigido por Carey Scott. Com Kevin Downes, David A.R. White, Stephen Baldwin, Candace Cameron Bure. Two men embark on a trip to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial guided by the letters their fathers wrote while serving in the war.
Tags: alistair begg, bible, christianity, jude, sermon, truth for life Unhealthy Aging graphic and my granddaughters in church RichC | March 15, 2023 While reading a health related social media post this past week, a graphic struck me as interesting since it highlights many of the ailments...
Over the years as the church learnt, the blood of the martyrs was the seedbed of the church, but it wasn’t simply that death, it was the quiet patient acts of Christians who with the life of Jesus in them, blessed those who persecuted them, blessed and didn’t curse – who were n...
Sermon Notes on: The Quality of Faith Expected of a Christian Motivation We believe that Jesus is the Son of God We believe that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins to satisfy God's justice on our behalf. Eternal life is obtained now through faith in Christ. (John 5:24) ...
of our daily existence and activity.” ~ J. Krishnamurti “Bondage is of the mind; freedom too is of the mind. If you say ‘I am a free soul. I am a son of God who can bind me’ free you shall be.” ~ Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa ...
Have you ever heard the termlove-bombing?They put their best foot forward and go out of their way to welcome them, and they will probably be invited to lunch after the service so the pastor can ask them how they liked his sermon (no joke). ...
The Secret of Magic Lies in the Ingredients and Intention A Stir Fry, a Stomach Ache, and a Sermon Gunas: The Qualities Within Food.. and Everything Gather for the Feast! Nourishing, Body & Soul Explore more Food and Religion Health, Fitness and Religion ...
I have sermons and podcasts going back to 2009 from Church on the Move and I figured out a nifty little trick on my iPod to be able to listen to them in chronological order so what I do is just start the first sermon and the let them go while I am working, mowing, or doing ...
Ten years ago, I was present at a sermon on the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy given by the late Fr. Thomas Hopko, three years before he died. The title he gave the sermon was “What Triumph of Orthodoxy?” And he said that there never really was such a thing. ...
9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! 10 Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may ...