PRESTO PRESTO will automatically apply your free transfer when you tap to pay and connect between GO Transit and your local transit service. Whether you choose to tap on with your physical PRESTO card, PRESTO in Google Wallet™ or Apple Wallet, orPRESTO contactless payment with a credit or ...
If you are transferring to another transit agency that does not accept PRESTO contactless payment, you’ll need to use a PRESTO card or other accepted form of payment or you will not be eligible for the free transfer and you will be charged the full fare for your local transit. Do I Nee...
Hilarious. Once we were in Ho, it was an easy transfer to another tro tro heading to Accra – and we were offered the front seat, so it was decidedly comfier. After grabbing some ice creams (which are basically plastic tubes of ice cream that you suck through the corner of the bag a...
Metrolinx's rollout of Presto for mobile wallets comes just three months after the provincial transit agency began accepting credit and debit payments on Presto card readers for the TTC network. As of next Tuesday, customers will be able to transfer existing Presto cards to their mobile wallets, ...