Travel for FREE between GO Transit and most Local Transit GO Affordability Pilot GO Train Service Guarantee Veterans Ride For Free on Remembrance Day & Warriors' Day More Information Plan Your Trip PRESTO GO E-Tickets Stay in the know
Local transit agencies that use PRESTO, such as Brampton Transit, Burlington Transit, Durham Region Transit, Oakville Transit, and YRT also accept a valid GO single-ride paper ticket or day pass ticket as proof of GO fare payment. If your local transit agency DOES NOT use PRESTO, you can ...
安省是加拿大第一个提供借记卡买票选项的省份,通过点击 PRESTO 设备来支付交通费用。 PRESTO 拥有约 470 万活跃客户。 本周早些时候,Metrolinx 将 PRESTO 卡的价格从 6 元降至 4 元。PRESTO 卡可在交通客户服务网点、Shoppers Drug Mart 地点、fare vending machines售票机和ticket vending machines自动售票机处购买。
In case of an accidental tap ON/OFF on a GO Transit Fare Payment device, guests may reverse the tap as detailed below. Where a layoff of ten working days or less is required employees may be laid off based on inverse order of GO Transit seniority at the work location(s) affected. App...
A full featured, yet easy to use app for GO Transit riders in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in Ontario, Canada. Get live statuses over the Internet, and regardless of connection, find the fastest trips for your destination (up to 2 transfers). Buy once for both the iPhone and iPad. ...
«Il suo [dell’operazione Atalanta, ndr] mandato consiste nel proteggere le navi mercantili che transitano da e per il Mar Rosso ed inoltre svolge attività di scorta alle navi mercantili del Programma Alimentare Mondiale delle Nazioni Unite, incaricate di...
15. Stoccaggio e transito in condizioni climatiche fredde Non operativo, -37~-46°C, 168 ore 16. Clima freddo operativo Operativo, -37~-46°C, 72 ore Test sabbia e polvere 17. Soffio di polvere Operativo Densità delle particelle: 10 +/- 7 g/m3 Velocità dell'aria: 30...
Metrolinx is making it easier to tap onto transit networks in the region. Starting Tuesday, November 14, customers on the eleven Presto-enabled transit systems in and beyond the GTHA will be able to tap onto trains, buses and streetcars using a digital Presto card via their Google Wallet on...
Though we were able to check out of Sierra Leone, our leader had to check-in at a police station on the other side and took one passenger with her since he’d had issues obtaining his visa in advance and was going to try to gain entry via a transit visa. Luckily, he was successful...
Ontario families want to know that when they choose GO Transit they are going to get to where they need to be, on time. With GO's 15-minute guarantee, customers will be able to receive one-way fare refunds automatically through their PRESTO cards or from a customer sales rep. Passengers...