ports := ctx.Args.String("ports") _, _ = con.Println(fmt.Sprintf("正在扫描 %s, 端口: %s", targets, ports)) resp, err := con.Rpc.PortScan(context.Background(), &sliverpb.PortScanReq{ Targets: targets, Ports: ports, Request: con.ActiveTarget.Request(ctx), }) iferr !=nil{ _,...
Not shown: 65533 closed tcp ports (conn-refused) PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http MAC Address: 00:0C:29:30:12:59 (VMware) Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.85 seconds 发现22 ssh端口,80 http端口 2)端口版本详情探测 # -sT tcp全连接扫描 -sV ...
4、集群内部依赖外部资源时需要设置为 Service,然后在内部提供服务。 kind: EndpointsapiVersion: v1metadata: name: redis-cluster namespace: projectsubsets: - addresses: - ip: ports: - port: 6379---kind: ServiceapiVersion: v1metadata: name: redis-cluster namespace: projectspec: ports:...
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 80 volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/usr/share/nginx/html" name: pv-hostpath 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 使用kubectl创建上面的pod部署清单并查看pod状态: [root@...
(err) } } 端口映射 在使用docker go sdk的时候,进行容器创建,如果指定了映射的端口...,会报以下错误: cannot use ports (type map["bitbucket.org/myorg/myproject/vendor/github.com/docker/go-connect...ions/nat".Port]struct {}) as type "github.com/docker/docker/vendor/github.com/docker/go-...
Microsoft Ports TypeScript to Go for 10x Native Performance Gains[7] Microsoft Rewriting TypeScript in Go[8] TypeScript Announces Go Rewrite, Achieves 10x Speedup[9] [1] A 10x Faster TypeScript:https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/typescript-native-port/ ...
var bmpGDBPort string bmpGDBPort, _, err = getBMPPorts() if err != nil { return err } args := []string{"-ex", "target extended-remote " + bmpGDBPort, "-ex", "monitor swdp_scan", "-ex", "attach 1", "-ex", "load", filepath.ToSlash(result.Binary)} cmd := ...
Not shown:65511filtered tcp ports(no-response)PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION53/tcp open domain Simple DNS Plus80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd10.0|_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/10.0|http-methods:|_ Potentially risky methods: TRACE|_http-title: IIS Windows Server88/tcp open kerberos-sec Mi...
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