We report a preliminary analysis of the impact of Global Navigation Satellite System Reflections (GNSS-R) data on ionospheric monitoring over the oceans. The focus is on a single polar Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) mission exploiting GNSS-R as well as Navigation (GNSS-N) and Occultation (GNSS-O)...
Using this method, the distance between the water surface and a GNSS antenna can be estimated directly, if corrections of the heave and the ship's attitude are considered properly. Suitable segments of a 3-month dataset, gathered aboard a ferry ship operating in the German Bight, were ...
Rius, "A new technique to sense non-Gaussian fea- tures of the sea surface from L-band bistatic GNSS reflections," Remote Sens. Environ., vol. 112, no. 6, pp. 2927-2937, Jun. 2008.E. Cardellach and A. Rius, "A new technique to sense non-Gaussian features of the sea surface ...
GNSS reflections and GPS bistatic radar in particular, has become a popular topic in the GNSS community mainly because of the multitude of new exciting applications it enables. The concept was discovered by accident by a French research group in the early 90's and since then researchers all ...
GNSS reflectionsDoppler shiftSignal PowerGrazing elevationsA reflectometry station has been set up in 2013 near Ny-lesund, Svalbard, at 78.9082°N, 11.9031°E. The main goal of the setup is to resolve the spatial and temporal variations in snow and ice cover, based on reflection power ...
While positioning is the chief objective of the system, the nature of its design requires satellite signals to traverse the ionosphere and the troposphere and results in signal reflections off the ground. In addition to tracking crustal dynamics, this system design enables the study of the ...
Oceanpal: an instrument for remote sensing of the ocean and other water surfaces using GNSS reflections[C]. Euro GOOS Conference Proceedings, 2002.G. Ruffini, M. Caparrini, B. Chapron, F. Soulat, O. Germain, L. Ruffini, "Oceanpal: an instrument for remote sensing of the ocean and ...
Soil Moisture Sensing Using Spaceborne GNSS Reflections: Comparison of CYGNSS Reflectivity to SMAP Soil Moisture. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2018, 45, 4049-4057. [CrossRef]Chew, C.; Small, E.E. Soil moisture sensing using spaceborne GNSS reflections: Comparison of CYGNSS reflectivity to SMAP soil ...
Sensitivity of Low-Elevation Coherent GNSS Reflections to the Planetary Boundary Layer RefractivityC. Ao