reflection signal parameters are simulated and verified.The simulation results indicate that the correlation coefficient of the signal correlation power curve and the theoretical curve of the ZV model is better than 0.98,which can be used to generate the GNSS ocean reflection signal effectively.The ...
1X Solar wing Absorption coefficient 吸收系数 F11.6,1X Solar wing Reflection coefficient Solar wing 镜面反射系数 F11.6,1X Diffuse coefficient 漫反射系数 F 11.6,1X Heat radiation 热辐射 F11.6,1X Power radiation 功率辐射 F11.6,1X -SOLARPRE 太阳光压参数数据记录部分结束 9X 注:数据类型格式说明 ...
(zribi et al., 2018 ). for ground-based gnss-r vegetation parameters estimation, the snr method and ipt are the most widely used. the multipath information from the snr was used to retrieve the vegetation water content and nmri (normalized microwave reflection index) (chew et al., ...
LR reflection coefficient was directly related to the main parameters of soil and vegetation, namely soil moisture and vegetation biomass and rather good sensitivity to these parameters was observed. The sensitivity to soil moisture was of about 0.25dB/%soil moisture. These results have been compared...
ServiceParameters,GNSS-Integrity-ServiceAlert,ORBIT-IntegrityParameters,SSR-IntegrityOrbitBounds,CLOCK-IntegrityParameters,SSR-IntegrityClockBounds,SSR-IntegrityCodeBiasBounds,SSR-IntegrityPhaseBiasBounds,STEC-IntegrityParameters,STEC-IntegrityErrorBounds,SSR-GriddedCorrectionIntegrityParameters, andTropoDelayIntegrityError...
are the carrier phase change, propagation delay and amplitude attenuation coefficient parameters, respectively. As shown in the formula, each reflected wave concerning the direct wave can be described by three parameters. When the multipath effect occurs, what the antenna received is the mixed signal...
Alternatively, these effects can be used to derive corrections for roughness influence on retrievals of other geophysical parameters from microwave radiometers, such as sea surface salinity. Since sea state modifies the waveform of the radar reflection, nadir-viewing (monostatic) radar altimeters are ...
The results show that the HVCE fusion method can greatly improve the correlation between characteristic parameters and in-situ soil moisture, and the amplitude and phase of nine satellites coefficient of determination (R2) increased by 53.70 % and 59.70 % on average than before fusion, which is ...
(larson et al. 2008b , 2010 ). considering that gnss-ir technology can realize the estimation of surface environmental parameters, larson and others extended gnss-ir technology to snow depth monitoring and provided a series of results for the development of gnss-ir technology (larson et al. ...
With a high temporal resolution and wide coverage, Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry (GNSS-R) has developed as a valid remote sensing technique for retrieving earth surface geophysical parameters over the past few decades (Garrison and Katzberg,2000). Moreover, the implementation of Low...