In addition to the RIE in bending angle measurements, RIEs are found in the RO 桅 ex measurements in the upper atmosphere where an exponential dependence is expected and in small-scale temperature variance of the RO retrieval. We found that the RIE values derived from the 桅 ...
本文针对现有GNSS-RO技术对低层大气探测难,现有掩星反演算法误差大,GNSS-R技术中镜面反射点预报算法无法兼容多平台,海洋区域数据缺失等问题提出了解决策略以及进行了试验验证工作,并对GNSS掩星产品应用做了初步探究.本文的主要贡献与创新之处总结如下: (1)针对低层大气掩星信号捕获难的问题,本文提出了新型GNSS掩星开环...
GNSS-RO/-R关键技术及应用研究 全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)不仅可以提供全球导航,定位,授时信息的服务,还可以提供全天候,全球覆盖,高时间分辨率的L波段微波信号,这... 李峰辉 - 《天津大学》 被引量: 0发表: 2022年 基于GNSS-R海洋遥感的星座设计研究 GNSS-R是自20世纪90年代以来...
We present a 3D variational data assimilation (3D-Var) scheme developed to derive consistent global analysis fields of temperature, specific humidity, and surface pressure from GNSS RO data. The system is based on the assimilation of RO data within 6h time windows into European Centre for Medium...
NA S A P ro pa gat ion E xperimenters Meet ing . Nat ional A eronautic s and Space Administration ,Fairbanks ,Alaska .19 9 6 :2 5 7 -2 6 3 . SMEX02 Experi ment Plan[ EB/OL] .http:∥hydrolab.arsusda. v/sme x0 2 /smex6 0 30 2 .pdf .2 0 12 . Masters D ,Axelra...
Editorial Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) remote sensing comprises GNSS reflectometry (GNSS-R) and GNSS refractometry (also known as GNSS radio occultation or GNSS-RO). GNSS-R involves analyzing measurements of GNSS signals reflected from the Earth's surface, while GNSS-RO utilizes measurem...