巨噬细胞克隆刺激因子抗体(MCSF)价格:¥980/支产品详情:科淼生物简介 温州科淼生物科技有限公司(Whenzhou KeMiao Biological Technology Co.,Ltd)是一家专业从事“产品研发生产,市场销... 纯度:1mg/ml% 包装规格:50ul 用途:仅供科研使用 用途:仅供科研使用 ...
GM-CSFReference work entry First Online: 01 January 2016 pp 812 Cite this reference work entry Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Informatics 224 Accesses The granulocyte–macrophage colony stimulating growth factor is a lymphokine. lymphokines, macrophage, granulocyte, MCSF, M-CSF, ...
Aims of the study were to (1) assess the potential role of the expression of these genes in the maintenance and expansion of the neoplastic clones and (2) search for constitutional losses or rearrangements of one allele followed by a deletion of the second...
目的 观察人源外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells,PBMC)在体外培养诱导单核巨噬细胞时是否因刺激剂M-CSF,GM-CSF的不同而造成极化状态差异,并衡量极化状态差异是否伴有吞噬能力的改变,并寻找可能相关的免疫表型标记.方法 取健康献血员新鲜外周白膜血,分离获得PBMC后,每一份PBMC都分为MCSF,GMCSF组,分...