GM Crops & Food 旨在发表高质量的研究论文、综述和评论,涉及农业中的转基因作物、转基因食品以及社会经济问题、商业化、贸易和社会问题。该刊特别针对科学家与决策者之间具有重要意义的交流,为解决转基因作物开发、测试和应用中的基础问题的研究论文以及所有与转基因作物相关的问题提供一个国际互动平台。GM Crops & ...
近5年,在GM Crops & Food发文较为活跃的中国单位有:中国农业科学院、南京农业大学 、华南农业大学、中国农业大学。 影响因子 *以上数据来源:InCites Journal Citation Report 以上图表显示了2017-2020年GM Crops & Food影响因子的趋势变化,2017年首获影响因子,近4年影响因子分别为:2.913,3.333,3.444,3.074,整体看,...
GM Crops & Food - Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain aims to publish high quality research papers, reviews, and commentaries on a wide range of topics involving genetically modified (GM) crops in agriculture and genetically modified food. The journal provides a platform for research p...
近三年《Gm Crops & Food-biotechnology In Agriculture And The Food Chain》自引率为16.9%、11.3%、10.3%,自引率低于10%安全线,可以放心投稿。 7.预警情况 根据《国际期刊预警名单(试行)》,《Gm Crops & Food-biotechnology In Agriculture And The Food Chain》不在预警名单中。 8.审稿周期 从提交到第一次...
GM Crops & Food创刊于1900年,由国际著名出版商Taylor & Francis Group 出版,发表高影响力的原创研究,特别关注具有潜在应用价值的创新研究。同时,发表有关当前研究和政策倡议的权威综述,以及转基因作物的广泛观点相关的评论。重点读者群包括科学家、育种家和决策者,以及对农业、医学、生物技术、投资和技术转让感兴趣的...
GM crops and food:a scientific per-spective. Hughes S,Bryant J. Bioethics for Scientists . 2002Hughes, Steve and Bryant, John (2002), ‘GM Crops and Food: A Scientific Perspective’, in John Bryant, Linda Baggott la Velle, and John Searle (eds.), Bioethics for Scientists (Chichester: ...
农业和食物链中的转基因作物和食品生物技术(Gm Crops & Food-biotechnology In Agriculture And The Food Chain)是一本由Landes Bioscience出版的一本Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology-Biotechnology学术刊物,主要报道Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology-Biotechnology相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选...
内容提示: THE GM DEBATE A series of background briefings to help you get inform ed and involved as the Government gears up to m ake its decision about the future of GM in the UK December 2002 GM Crops and Food: Good for Your Health? n order to produce a genetically modified (GM) ...
《Gm Crops & Food-biotechnology In Agriculture And The Food Chain》(《农业和食物链中的转基因作物和食品生物技术》)是一本由Landes Bioscience出版的Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology-Biotechnology学术刊物,主要刊载Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology-Biotechnology相关领域研究成果与实践,旨在打造...
GM Crops & Food - Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain aims to publish high quality research papers, reviews, and commentaries on a wide range of topics involving genetically modified (GM) crops in agriculture and genetically modified food. The journal provides a platform for research ...