1984 . Glycolipids and glycoproteins from UDP-galactose by pea membranes . Phytochemistry. 23 : 487 – 492 .Hayashi T, Maclachlan G. Glycolipids and glycoproteins formed from UDP- galactose by pea membranes. Phytochemistry Pergamon. 1984 Jan 1;23(3):487-92....
Oligosaccharide microarrays for high-throughput detection and specificity assignments of carbohydrate-protein interactions. We describe microarrays of oligosaccharides as neoglycolipids and their robust display on nitrocellulose. The arrays are sourced from glycoproteins, glycol... Fukui,Shigeyuki,Feizi,... -...
Moreover, ST3Gal VI prefers oligosaccharides containing the terminal Galβ1,4GlcNAc structure much more than those containing the Galβ1,3GlcNAc structure, suggesting it is involved in the formation of the sialyl-Lex determinant on glycoproteins and glycolipids. The expression of the gene among ...
Only later was it revealed that endotoxin is in fact a glycolipid [3] and that the A, B, and O antigens responsible for transfusion reaction are glycolipids and glycoproteins found on the surface of red blood cells [4]. Recently, cell-mediated immunity to glycolipid antigens has been ...
Differential recognition by conglutinin and mannan-binding protein of N-glycans presented on neoglycolipids and glycoproteins with special reference to com... Conglutinin and mannan-binding protein are serum proteins that have similar carbohydrate binding specificities toward high mannose-type oligosacchar...
CD1 molecules are cell surface glycoproteins expressed mainly by white blood cells, including B lymphocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells (DC). They consist of two chains: β2 microglobulin (β2m), also found in MHC class I molecules, and a heavy chain containing three extracellular domains (...
Candidates for such a translocator include members of the ABC transporter family such as the multidrug resistance (MDR) glycoproteins. Both the MDR1 P-glycoprotein and the multidrug resistance protein MRP1 are capable of translocating short-chain analogs of GlcCer across the plasma membrane (8, 9...
This chapter focuses on glycoproteins, which are a wide range of compounds of diverse structure and function, and are components of cell membranes, intercellular matrices, and extracellular fluids, such as plasma. They occur in soluble and membrane-bound forms. The proportion of carbohydrates varies...
Determining Functional Properties and Sources of Recently Identified Bioactive Food Components: Oligosaccharides, Glycolipids, Glycoproteins, and PeptidesAnimalsHumansMiceBrainNeuritesNeurofibrillary TanglesAlzheimer DiseaseDisease Models, AnimalThiazolesFluorescent DyesIn resting platelets, adhesive are attached to ...