必应词典为您提供glycogen-synthesis的释义,un. 糖原合成; 网络释义: 肝糖的合成;肝醣合成;肝糖原合成酶;
糖原合成是生物体内将葡萄糖转化为糖原储存的关键代谢过程,其调控机制及生理作用在不同组织与生物体中具有多样性。下文将从合成机制、组织特异性功能、相关疾病及研究应用四方面展开。 一、糖原合成的核心机制 糖原合成通过糖原合成酶(GS)催化葡萄糖残基以α-1-4糖苷键连接形成线性链,随...
Glycogen synthesis, although maintained at much lower levels relative to muscle and liver, is dynamically regulated within the adipocyte.Insulin signalingleads to the activation ofglycogen synthasepartly through the targeted action of protein phosphatase-1 (PP1). Assembly of the glycogen poly-saccharide...
Chapter13Glycogenolysis&GlycogenSynthesis Glycogendegradation Glycogensynthesis Regulationofglycogenmetabolism Gluconeogenesis Regulationofgluconeogenesis §13.1Glycogenphosphorolysis 糖原的结构及其连接方式 -1,6糖苷键 非还原性末端 -1,4-糖苷键 磷酸化酶a(催化1.4-糖苷键断裂)三种...
2. Glycogen synthesis 3. Glycogen degradation 4. Glucose dephosphorylation: glucose 6-phosphatase system 5. Glycogen storage diseases induced by congenital deficiency of glycolytic enzymes 6. Glycogen metabolism in liver and skeletal muscle of healthy humans Transparency document Acknowledgments ReferencesShow...
摘要: Summary: Candida utilis NRRL Y11868 was grown at several dilution rates in a glucose-limited chemostat. Protein and total carbohydrate contents of the cells varied markedly with dilution rate, primarily because significant glycogen synthesis occurred at the higher growth rates....
Glycogen synthesis increases with glucose concentrations attaining maximal values at 50--60mM, when it is similar to that obtained in the presence of 10mM glucose and lactate plus glutamine. 3. The activities of the active (a) and total (a+b) forms of glycogen synthase and phosphorylase were ...
例句 释义: 全部,糖原合成酶,糖原腺腺 更多例句筛选 1. Effects of Diet on Insulin Resistance and Skeletal Muscle Glycogen Synthetase mRNA Expression in Rats 膳食对大鼠胰岛素抵抗和骨骼肌糖原合成酶mRNA表达的影响 ilib.cn您要找的是不是 glycogen synthetase glycogen synthesis glutamine synthetase glutathione ...
Glycogen synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm and can be divided into the following four steps: (1) Glycogenesis begins with the phosphorylation of glucose by glucokinase in the liver and by hexokinase in muscle and other tissues. (2) Glucose-6-phosphate is then converted into glucose-1-phosphate...
Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) was first discovered in the 1980s as a regulatoryprotein kinasethat phosphorylates and inactivatesglycogen synthase, anenzymeinvolved in the synthesis of glycogen.36Later studies revealed that GSK-3 also phosphorylates and regulates the activity of other proteins inv...