P. Koudelka. 1985. Pathway of glycogen synthesis from glucose in hepatocytes maintained in primary culture. J. Biol. Chem. 260:1521-1526.Spence JT, Koudelka AP (1985) Pathway of glycogen synthesis from glucose in hepatocytes maintained in primary culture. J Biol Chem 260: 1521–1526 PubMed...
glucans are ramified by Glc3p, a branchingenzymethat adds seven α-(1→4)-Glc residues in an α-(1→6)-linkage. In a departure from theglycogen synthesispathway ofS. cerevisiae, the glycogenin andglycogen synthaseenzymesofN. crassaare each encoded by just one protein (de Paulaet al., ...
Chapter13Glycogenolysis&GlycogenSynthesis Glycogendegradation Glycogensynthesis Regulationofglycogenmetabolism Gluconeogenesis Regulationofgluconeogenesis §13.1Glycogenphosphorolysis 糖原的结构及其连接方式 -1,6糖苷键 非还原性末端 -1,4-糖苷键 磷酸化酶a(催化1.4-糖苷键断裂)三种...
In another group of rats 1g/kg of glu or gal was used to determine glycemia and glyc synthesis at 15′ to 180′. Glu increased from 3.4±0.4 to 8.5±1.5mM in 5-7 day pups in response to IP glu; there was no glycemic response to gal, although gal levels increased from 0.5 to 6.3...
As a result, glycogen is essential as a source of overall and cellular energy as well as an energy reserve. The synthesis and breakdown of glycogen are regulated by a large variety of enzymes and hormones. As a result, factors including nutrition, exercise, and stress can significantly impact...
Capaldo , A. Picardi , F. Piscione , M. Capelli Bigazzi , C. D'Ascia , L. Sacca . (1992) Indirect pathway of liver glycogen synthesis in humans is predominant and independent of beta-adrenergic mechanisms. Clinical Physiology 12 , 641-652 Online publication date: 1-Nov-1992. /...
Glycogen storage diseases (GSDs) are a group of rare, monogenic disorders that share a defect in the synthesis or breakdown of glycogen. This Primer describes the multi-organ clinical features of hepatic GSDs and muscle GSDs, in addition to their epidemiology, biochemistry and mechanisms of disease...
, the synthesis of blood glucose from lactate in the liver is a particularly active process during recovery from intense muscular exertion. Although several of the reactions in the gluconeogenetic pathway are catalyzed by the same enzymes that catalyze the reverse sequence, glycolysis, two crucial ...
Is glycogen a lipid? No, lipids are oils and fats. While fat is another form of energy used and stored by the body (via adipose tissue), sugar and fat are two different biomolecules that provide different amounts of energy and require vastly different forms of synthesis and metabolism. View...
Type 1 diabetes subjects are characterized by impaired direct pathway synthesis of hepatic glycogen that is unresponsive to insulin therapy. Since it is not known whether this is an irreversible defect of insulin-dependent diabetes, direct and indirect pathway glycogen fluxes were quantified in streptozo...