gly是二齿配体 配体(ligand,也称为配基)是一个化学名词,表示可和中心原子(金属或类金属)产生键结的原子、分子和离子。一般而言,配体在参与键结时至少会提供一个电子。配体扮演路易斯碱的角色。但在少数情况中配体接受电子,充当路易斯酸。我来回答 提交回答 重置等你来答 醛酮树脂CT-A81在油墨涂料应用案例是什么?
Cyclo (Gly Arg Gly Asp Ser Pro) is a synthetic α 5 β 1 integrin ligand that competitively inhibits the binding of invasion (Inv) to α 5 β 1 integrin expressed on Caco-2 cells. Purity (HPLC) ≥98.0% Single impurity≤2% Peptide content≥75.0% Amino Acid Composition≤±15% Bacterial ...
英文名称:Glycylglycyl-L-Tyrosyl-L-Arginine (M.W. 451.48 • 60.05 • 36.03) C19H29N7O6 • CH3COOH • H2O Synthetic Product Affinity Ligand for Papain M.O. Funk, Y. Nakagawa, J. Skochdopole, and E.T. Kaiser, Int. J. Peptide Protein Res., 13, 296 (1979). CAS编号: 70195...
别名:PAR-3 (1-6) amide (mouse)|SFNGGP-NH2 PAR3 Tethered Ligand (Murine) / Activates PAR1 and PAR2 纯度:95%, 98% 用途:南京肽业 Ser-Phe-Asn-Gly-Gly-Pro-NH2|PAR-3 (1-6) amide (mouse)|SFNGGP-NH2 PAR3 Tethered Ligand (Murine) / Activates PAR1 and PAR2|261521-21-5 由南京...
产品名称: 704-15-4 Gly-Pro 产品介绍: 基本信息 经验(实验)分子式C7H12N2O3 分子量172.18 EC 号211-880-2 PubChem化学物质编号24895111 NACRESNA.26 产品性质 质量水平200 测定≥98% 形式solid technique(s)ligand binding assay: suitable 颜色white ...
(S)-Deoxy-thalidomide-2,7-diazaspiro[3.5]nonane-CH2-Me-PIP-Boc (S,R,S)-AHPC-CO-CH2-piperazine-C3-piperazine-Boc MAK683-CH2CH2COOH m-PEG6-CH2CH2CHO Fmoc-NH-PEG2-CH2CH2COOH m-PEG5-CH2CH2COOH Ms-PEG3-CH2CH2COOH (S)-PROTAC PTK6 ligand-1-(2S,4R)-O-CH2-O-hygric acid Pyrene...
CAS号: 132684-60-7 分子量: 353.41 Beilstein: 6662856 MDL编号: MFCD00065649 PubChem化学物质编号: 57650989 NACRES: NA.26 属性 检测方案 ≥98.0% 形式 solid reaction suitability reaction type: C-H Activation reaction type: Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis reagent type: ligand reaction type: Pepti...
(d-saccharic acid and mucic acid),1691,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone175in aqueous solution, giving O,O complexes, were studied by51V NMR, showing, e.g.,δ−520 and −450 for 1:1 and 1:2V:ligand (ligand=β-alaninehydroxamate) complexes, respectively.168Interactions of vanadate ...
(ida2−) coupled through the nitrogen to the support phase. When the binding ligand portion is loaded by labilemetal ionssuch as CuII, NiII, ZnII, the supported-M(ida) or similarmetal complexis termed an IMACbinding site. The IMAC site can still bind to side-chain groups from a ...
[2] Huang, Q., et al. (2018). Structure - activity relationship of PEN, an endogenous ligand of G protein - coupled receptor 83. Journal of Peptide Science, 24(7), e3043. This study focused on the structure - activity relationship of PEN, exploring the impact of amino acid sequence ...