There is also a group of patients whose lateral hip pain is thought to be related to tendinopathy or myofascopathy of thegluteus medius and minimus muscles, often referred to as "greater trochanter pain syndrome."3Although in many instances, the diagnosis of gluteal tendinosis and or myofac...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to gluteus maximus:gluteus medius,gluteus maximus gait gluteus max·i·mus (măk′sə-məs)
Working superficial to deep and posterior to lateral, there are three gluteal muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus. These muscles help stabilize the upper body, aid in locomotion, and extend the hip. Originating from the sacrum, the gluteus maximus is a key muscle ...
the pelvis on the unsupported side will tip inferiorly. This is due to the lack of contraction of the gluteus medius (and minimus), which helps stabilize the pelvis. This appearance is referred to as theTrendelenburg sign. It was first described by German FriedrichTrendelenburg (1895), who de...
Related to gluteus:gluteus minimus,Piriformis glu·te·us (glo͞o′tē-əs, glo͞o-tē′-)·te·i(glo͞o′tē-ī′, glo͞o-tē′ī′) Any of the three large muscles of each buttock, especially the gluteus maximus, that extend, abduct, and rotate the thigh. ...
TTDN is a valid and reliable method for T avr and AURP measurement to support TrPs diagnostic criteria for the gluteus minimus muscle when digitally evoked referred pain pattern is present.El?bietaSkorupskaMichaRychlikW?odzimierzSamborskiEBSCO_Asp...
The gluteus minimus, which is responsible for 25% of abduction power, runs in the same plane deep to the gluteus medius. It inserts more anteriorly on the greater trochanter, and it has a separate long head component. Recent evidence suggests that a common cause of lateral hip pain may be...
It innervates the gluteus medius and minimus, and tensor fascia lata muscles. The inferior gluteal nerve passes under the piriformis muscle and innervates the gluteus maximus muscle. Isolated lesions of the superior gluteal nerve are rare. Rask (1980) reported a case in which, after a fall on...