Gluteus Minimus Referral Pattern: An All Too Often Misdiagnosed Cause of Lateral Leg Pain in Runners. A Case SeriesLateral hip pain in runners is a common clinical dilemma that may be due to either intra-articular orperiarticular pathology. Causes of lateral hip pain can include trauma, ...
Define gluteus maximus. gluteus maximus synonyms, gluteus maximus pronunciation, gluteus maximus translation, English dictionary definition of gluteus maximus. n. pl. glutei max·i·mi The largest and outermost of the gluteal muscles. American Heritage
TTDN is a valid and reliable method for T avr and AURP measurement to support TrPs diagnostic criteria for the gluteus minimus muscle when digitally evoked referred pain pattern is present.El?bietaSkorupskaMichaRychlikW?odzimierzSamborskiEBSCO_Asp...
Related to gluteus:gluteus minimus,Piriformis glu·te·us (glo͞o′tē-əs, glo͞o-tē′-)·te·i(glo͞o′tē-ī′, glo͞o-tē′ī′) Any of the three large muscles of each buttock, especially the gluteus maximus, that extend, abduct, and rotate the thigh. ...