For each city, Table 2 enumerates statistics such as mean absolute error, correlation, aggregate population proportion, and the percentage of binary correspondence (zero population/population above zero) between the WorldPop and Meta population datasets. Similarly, Figure 4 displays the spatial ...
The effect of species identity on functional diversity is represented by the mean (colored squares) and associated 95% confidence interval (black whiskers) computed on 999 values of a null model. This null model simulated realm assemblages using random sampling in the world pool of species, while...
Mean- while, those with evident burnout at the time of patient recruitment constituted 7% of EM workers. Healthcare 2023, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW Healthcare 2023, 11, 2220 8 of 28 7 of 19 FigFuirgeu2r.eF2or. esFtoprleosttopf ltohte opfretvhaelepncreevoafloevnecrealol bf uorvneoruat...