1. The Global Flood Monitoring System (GFMS) has been developed for real- time application. Evaluation of system shows promising performance in retrospective runs vs. observed streamflow records and in flood event detection against global flood event statistics. System results are being used ...
A real-time experimental system, the Global Flood Monitoring System (GFMS) produces quasi-global flood estimates with updates every three hours. Images and output data are available for use by the community (http://oas.gsfc.nasa.gov/globalflood/). The current flood detection and intensity ...
public datasets can be used to improve global access to forecasts of extreme events in global rivers. On the basis of the model and experiments described in this paper, we developed an operational system that produces short-term (7-day) flood forecasts in over 80 countries. These forecasts...
The NASA system, a collaboration between NASA and the Dartmouth Flood Observatory, processes data from the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) instruments on the NASA Aqua and Terra satellites to produce a range of products for use by both the disaster management community and the...
Although several developed countries have well-established systems for river monitoring and flood early warning, figures of populations affected every year by floods in developing countries are unsettling. This paper presents the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), which has been set up to provide...
The first machine learning application deployed on the satellite is a cloud detection model22 similar to the system used on EO-1. Using the on-board VPU to perform segmentation, an output two-bit flood map (up to four classes) would reduce the amount of data being down-linked by a ...
Storm tracks from the Global Forecast System (GFS) are also included. All data is provided courtesy of the Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) as part of NOAA. Asia weather Atlantic Ocean weather Med weather Australia weather Pacific ...
This is overcome in the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS; http://www.globalfloods.eu/ ) by coupling surface and sub-surface runoff from the HTESSEL land surface model used within ECMWF's latest global atmospheric reanalysis (ERA5) with the LISFLOOD hydrological and channel routing model....
(Zhang and Zhang2022). Unlike 3D transport models, ESMs can simulate the different spheres of the Earth surface system with unified suites of coupled modules. Another difference is the simultaneous simulation of the past and future climate, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling, marine and ...
Coral reef biologists and managers could address these data gaps by adding simple measures of reef height and rugosity to existing monitoring programs. These measures would improve the valuation of reef services and the assessment of flood risk, and could inform aid, insurance, and development ...