The Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) is a preoperational suite performing daily streamflow simulations to detect severe floods in large river basins. GloFAS defines the severity of a flood event with respect to thresholds estimated based on model-simulated streamflow climatolo...
The current state of the art for real-time, global-scale hydrological prediction is the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS)16,17. GloFAS is the global flood forecasting system of Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS), delivered under the responsibility of the European Commission’s Join...
Global flood forecasting systems rely on predefining flood thresholds to highlight potential upcoming flood events. Existing methods for flood threshold definition are often based on reanalysis datasets using a single threshold across all forecast lead times, such as in the Global Flood Awareness System...
Interactive comment on "GloFAS – global ensemble streamflow forecasting and flood early warning" by L. Alfieri et al This manuscript presents a global flood forecast system, the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), aiming to assess the feasibility of transferring the m... RCDP Referee 被引...
The Global Flood Awareness System is based on distributed hydrological simulation of numerical ensemble weather predictions with global coverage. Streamflow forecasts are compared statistically to climatological simulations to detect probabilistic exceedance of warning thresholds. In this article, the system ...
Here, we present a flood hazard mapping methodology based on the hydrological information produced by the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS; Alfieri et al., 2013). GloFAS is a probabilistic flood early warning system running at global scale, developed in a collaboration between the Joint Rese...
This paper presents the Global Flood Awareness System, which has been set up to provide an overview on upcoming floods in large world river basins. The Global Flood Awareness System is based on distributed hydrological simulation of numerical ensemble weather predictions with global coverage. ...
Fig. 2. Timeline of the daily emergency flood bulletin creation. Abbreviations: GloFAS: Global Flood Awareness System, ECMWF: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, UoR: University of Reading, UoB: University of Bristol, NWP: Numerical Weather Prediction model, DFID: UK government's ... Industries: (re)insurance Real Estate Banking Retail State and Local Governments Transportation Corporate Version:2.0 Last Updated:September 2023 More from this provider ... OPEN Global-scale river flood vulnerability in the last 50 years received: 29 June 2016 accepted: 07 October 2016 Published: 26 October 2016 Masahiro Tanoue1,Yukiko Hirabayashi1 & Hiroaki Ikeuchi1,2 The impacts of flooding are expected to rise due to ...