一.说明 SAP的统驭科目是总分类账与明细分类账同步更新的一类科目。 SAP系统中的统驭科目(reconciliation account),是连接AP/AR/AA等子模块的桥梁(AP:Accounts Payable 应付账户;AR:Accounts Receivable 应收账户;AA:Asset Accounting 资产会计),它不能用来直接记账,而是记在客户/供应商上面,在总账是要反映在会计科...
LSMW 导入open PO,报错: 说是G/L account 670100不能被使用。 2) ME21N手工去前台创建一个PO,使用这个G/L account, 却能成功创建: 3)咨询了财务同事,财务同事帮忙修改了该总账科目的字段状态组,然后我再次尝试导入该条open PO数据,就不报错了。但是当财务同事恢复了该总账可的字段状态组之后,重新导入,错误...
SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA, SAP S/4HANA Finance, SAP Treasury and Risk Management, FIN (Finance), FIN Treasury Hi colleagues, Each Product Type in TRM module post to Financial Accounting, Most of Product type are predefined in Latest S/4 Hana but we have to assign ...
This class represents the entity "A_GLAccountText" of service "API_GLACCOUNTINCHARTOFACCOUNTS_SRV". This service is part of the following communication scenarios: SAP Business Objects Cloud for Planning Integration (SAP_COM_0087). See https://api.sap.com/api...
accountIsMarkedForDeletion:undefined|false|true Defined in packages/vdm/journal-entry-item-basic-service/GlAccountInChartOfAccounts.ts:204 chartOfAccounts chartOfAccounts:string Defined in packages/vdm/journal-entry-item-basic-service/GlAccountInChartOfAccou...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance), FIN General Ledger 大家好: 我有个关于mapping的问题: 1. 如果在GL account的master data里面,之前已经做好了alternative account的mapping, 那我要改成另外的local account,这样 会不会影响本地子公司的报表? 2. 如果GL account和alternative account是多对一...
ledger account contains information about the account number, the name of the account, control fields and consolidation fields. The information that a user enters in the chart of accounts segment for an SAP G/L account applies to all company codes. This information need to be entered only once...
SAP 制造业 Your Role 1. Be responsible for GL activity 1) Be responsible for daily accounting transaction: proper posting for cost accrual/defer upon recurring journal list. account clearance. c, FX revaluation both IFRS and PRC. 2) Be responsible for GL accounts reconciliation and follow up ...
EnterLineItemDetails输入行项目细节 a)EnterG/Laccountno.输入总帐科目号码 EitherentertheG/LaccountnumberorpressF4ortosearchforG/Laccountnumber 或输入总帐科目号码或按F4或按以搜索总帐科目号码。 Pressontodisytheentiresearchoptions按下显示整个的搜索选项。 ChooseG/Laccountdescriptionincode选择‘科目表中的总帐...
3. Verify that AR entries have been completed in accordance to Month-end Closing Schedule; 核实应收账款条目,按照月末结算时间表完成; 4. AR daily / monthly collection summary report; AR日/月汇总摘要报告; 5. Monthly review and check customer account and prepare the AR statement report; 每月检查...