First check in RSA3 if the balances match, which they should. You would need to check if some data is missing/corrupt in BW. Run FS10N with selections on Comp Code and a Fiscal year and check the data with BW. See if all the debits/credits for periods in the transaction reflect in ...
SAP Your Role 1. Be responsible for GL activity 1) Be responsible for daily accounting transaction: proper posting for cost accrual/defer upon recurring journal list. account clearance. c, FX revaluation both IFRS and PRC. 2) Be responsible for GL accounts reconciliation and follow up actions ...
I am trying to clear the line items of a balance sheet gl account ( short term general liabilities) using t.code F-03.This gl account is specified as "open item Management" and line item display in the GL Master. The problem is that when I try to clear the line items of the accoun...
Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建2. GL Documents Process 总帐凭证录入2.8 Special Case: Foreign currency buy/sale 外汇业务凭证3. GL Account Balance .总帐1GL Master Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目TRANSACTION CODE:FS00事务 菜单路径:FS00SAP menu>Accounting>Financial...
Retain Earnings account has special characters in SAP.. FBL3N is showing the line items posted to this GL , so in case of RE account only transaction appeared is the transaction posted by accounting staff .. to make sure that all things goes Ok. check the balance of lase year RE ( for...
总帐科目(GLAccount) 一.说明 本文是在SAP系统前台维护一个总帐科目(G/L Account)。后台科目表、公司代码相关配置已完成,可以在前台进行总帐科目的维护。相关深入知识参见《总帐科目(G/L Account)主数据综述》。 一个总帐科目隶属于某个科目表,在此科目表下所有的公司代码都共用此科目。为此,SAP设计的总帐科目主数...
You can get the report as you like in T.code FBL3N and check this T.code FS10N for Debit and Credit Balances. In FBL3N Opening balances closing balance from beignning of the month to till date Closing balance from beginning of the year to till date Debit and Credit Balances at FS10N ...
G/L Account No(创建科目号) 输入总帐科目 号Company Code(公司代码) 2030备注1 资产,2 负债, 3 所有者权益,4 成本,5 损益类。 苏州安特点击((Greate)进入新增步骤 描述(一级) 2 Type/descripti on描述(次级) Account group(科目组) P&L statenebt acct(利润表 科目) Balance sheet accoun(t 负债 表...
We recieve GL Account Balances from some other system (different SAP landscape) and the balances in the file are compared to the GL Account Balances in our system. For this purpose, we are using a standard BAPI :->BAPI_GL_GETGLACCCURRENTBALANCE. This BAPI calculates the current GL Balance...
3.1 Display G/L account balance 显示总帐余额 3.2 Display/Change Line Items 查询每笔总帐科目余额 3.3 Clear exchange rate difference 每笔差异核销 1.GL Master Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建 1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目 TRANSACTION CODE:FS00 事务 菜单路径: FS00 SAP menu>Accounting>Fina...