Display Account BalancesFV50 Edit or Park GL DocumentAsset AccountingAB02 Change Asset DocumentAB03 Display ABAON Asset Sale without CustomerABAVN Asset Retirementby ScrappingABNANPost CapitalizationABUMNAsset Transfer withinCompany CodeAS01 Create AssetAS02 Change Asset MasterAS03 DisplayAS...
FS00 Display GL account FS10N Display Account Balances FV50 Edit or Park GL Document Asset Accounting AB02 Change Asset Document AB03 Display Asset Document ABAON Asset Sale without Customer ABAVN Asset Retirement by Scrapping ABNAN Post Capitalization ABUMN Asset Transfer within Company Code AS01 Creat...
FS00 Display GL account FS10N Display Account Balances FV50 Edit or Park GL Document Asset Accounting AB02 Change Asset Document AB03 Display Asset Document ABAON Asset Sale without Customer ABAVN Asset Retirement by Scrapping ABNAN Post Capitalization ABUMN Asset Transfer within Company Code AS01 Creat...
SEARCH_SAP_MENU Show the menu path to use to execute a given tcode. You can search by transaction code or menu text. DI02 ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Tables. LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench. An addon available from SAP that can make data converstion a lot easier. OSS1 S...
The SAP TCode OT42 is used for the task: C FI Change G/L Account. The TCode belongs to the FFC package.Top SAP Tcodes Purchase Order Tcodes Cost Center Tcodes Vendor Tcodes Sales Order Tcodes Purchase Requisition Tcodes Display GL Account Tcodes Stock Tcodes Goods Receipt Tcodes Displ...
FS10N Display Account Balances FV50 Edit or Park GL Document Asset Accounting AB02 Change Asset Document AB03 Display Asset Document ABAON Asset Sale without Customer ABAVN Asset Retirement by Scrapping ABNAN Post Capitalization ABUMN Asset Transfer within Company Code ...
AL16 Local Alert Monitor for Operat.Syst. AL15 VA01 Create Sales Order FB50 Enter GL Account Document KP07 Display ME32K Change Contract CS13 Summarized BOM AL17 Remote Alert Monitor for Operat. Syst. AL16 VA02 Change Sales Order FBD1 Post Recurring Document KP26 Activity Output / Prices ...
SAP期间锁定FI/CO interface:is not open for account type D and G/L A7010 这时候需要将失败的DN拽回到当月,DN reverse如果不在相同的月份,就会导致成本与销售的结转不一致。在这种情况下做的实际成本分析质量会不好。 货物发出的时候会记账: 借:生产成本 (成本科目) 81: K科目 ...
account FS10N Display Account Balances FV50 Edit or Park GL Document Asset Accounting AB02 Asset Document AB Display Asset DocumentABAON AssetSale without Customer ABAVNAsset Retirement by Scrapping ABNAN Post CapitalizationABUMN Asset Transfer within CompanyCode AS01 Asset AS02 AssetMaster...
Now, in GL Account Definition (T-Code FS00) you enter Account Group (e.g. Inventory account, Fixed Asset account, Account Receivable, etc) This Account Group classifies the GL Account Master Data. The account group is a classifying feature within the G/L account master records. The account...