英文绘本故事The Giving Tree 爱心树-TigerLee(高级).pptx,1 2这本书是世界上最经典的绘本作品之一,出版30年来,一直是绘本世界的典范。这是一个由一棵有求必应的苹果树和一个贪求不厌的孩子,共同组成的温馨又略带哀伤的动人故事~ Once there was a tree . . .3 and she
绘本《The Giving Tree 爱心树》,Penguin Random House 绘本内容 一棵大树爱上一个小男孩,他们成为了好朋友。小男孩每天来爬树、摘树叶、吃苹果……男孩很开心,大树也很开心。可是,男孩渐渐长大,不再与大树一起玩耍。男孩希望获得金钱,大树把苹果给他去换钱;男孩需要建立家庭,大树把树枝给他造房;男孩希望去远航,...
TheGivingTree爱心树绘本PPT课件.ppt * The End * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy. And every day the boy would come, and he would gather her leaves, and make them into crowns, ...
02.the.giving.tree.爱心树绘本.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 * 從前有一棵大樹…… 她 喜欢上 一個 小男孩 男孩儿 每天 都會跑到树下 采 集树 叶 给自己 做王冠 想象自己就是森林之王 他也常常爬上树干 抓著樹枝盪秋千 吃树上结的苹果 同 大树 捉迷藏 累了的...
loved the tree... 小男孩非常爱着这棵树 very much. And the tree was happy. 树很快乐 But time went by. 但日子一天天过去 And the boy grew older. 小男孩长大了 And the tree was often alone. 树常常只有自己一个 Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said, "Come, Boy,...
Reading this book, Andy showed a great interest in English reading and understanding. The theme "giving" in the story impressed him a lot and he questions life and the value of giving.相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 分析:家长使用了“interest”、“theme”、“impress”和“value”等词汇,准确地描述...
The Giving Tree: This popular children's book, written by American author and cartoonist Shel Silverstein and first published in 1964, was the second children's story published by the well-known writer. The book brought widespread recognition. ...
Who wrote the book The Giving Tree?Giving Growth:The Giving Tree, published in 1964 is a story about a boy and his apple tree, the giving tree. The tree gives and gives to the boy as he grows. This book has become a classic children's story....
Thegivingtree 教学目标 ?知识目标:能够完成故事阅读和理解,通过观察绘本图片细节,预测故事发展;能够大声朗读故事,提升阅读流利度。 ?能力目标:能够独立阅读完成任务,参与小组合作,并基于故事内容进行思考和讨论。 ?情感态度和价值目标:能够联系自身对故事进行评价,联系实际批判性地思考问题。 教学重点 ?学生能够理解故事...
The giving tree:给予树/付出树 谢尔.希尔弗斯坦 美国伟大的绘本作家之一,他的绘本作品被翻译成30多种语言,全球销量超过1.8亿册. 失落的一角 阁楼上的光 向上跌了一跤 失落的一角遇见大圆满 “我的树干没了。” 树说。 “你不能爬──” “我太累了,爬不动的。”男孩说。 “我很抱歉。”树叹了口气。