最后我在gitlab CI中读到了gitlab runner choose wrong executor和https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/shell.html#running-as-unprivileged-user,其中说明了以下解决方案: 移到docker 授予用户gitlab-runner运行指定命令所需的权限。gitlab-runner可能在没有sudo的情况下运行apt-get,他还需要烫发来安装npm和运...
极狐(GitLab) 以“核心开放”为原则,面向中国市场,提供开箱即用的开放式一体化安全DevOps平台——极狐GitLab。通过业界领先的优先级管理、安全、风险和合规性功能,实现产品、开发、QA、安全和运维团队间的高效协同... « 上一篇 如何使用极狐GitLab Runner 修改日志大小限制 ...
Engineering Communication Engineering Demo Process Engineering Error Budgets Engineering Fellow Shadow Engineering Function Performance Indicators Engineering Hiring Engineering IC Leadership Engineering Management Engineering Mentorship Engineering Projects Engineering Secondments Engineering Team Readmes ...
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
user['git_user_email'] = "614350682@qq.com" //邮箱@qq.com 发送命令: #gitlab-rails console#Notify.test_email('623072681@qq.com','邮件标题','邮件内容').deliver_now 效果如图: linux下gitlab.rb文件 #yum install lrzsz //安装se命令从linux下载到本地#sz /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb //保存文件...
My Environment is Centos 7, I just installed gitlab-runner and when I run this command as User that installing the gitlab-runner (not as root) sudo gitlab-runner register this will result command not found but if I run without sudo gitlab-runner register it runs but ...
##! The shell for the git user # user['shell'] = "/bin/sh" ##! The home directory for the git user # user['home'] = "/var/opt/gitlab" # user['git_user_name'] = "GitLab" user['git_user_email'] = "system@xeiot.com" ...
The proxy variables need to also be added to the GitLab Runner configuration, so that it can connect to GitLab.com from behind the proxy. This is basically the same as adding the proxy to the Docker service above: Create a systemd drop-in directory for thegitlab-runnerservice: ...
Status update: 2021-05-13 We believe the root cause to be the alpine DNS issue for the runner-helper...
GitLab 14.7 released with Streaming Audit Events, GitLab Runner compliance with FIPS 140-2, and Group Access TokensClick to tweet! MVPThis month's Most Valuable Person (MVP) is awarded toFabio Huser Fabio added support for group access tokens, including aUIand aREST API. The enormity of th...