GitLab-Runner 是配合 GitLab-CI 进行使用的,GitLab 里面每个工程都会定义一些该工程的持续集成脚本,...
The runner needs to be able to talk to your Gitlab server, most likely on HTTPS port 443 if you have HTTPS configured. Sounds to me that the runner cannot talk to the Gitlab server, so either there is some sort of firewall between the two servers, or some local firewall (iptables ...
3、出现New runner. Has not connected yet 可以参照这里(很大程度上是跟是否使用sudo相关的,因为用户的不同会导致一些权限问题) 常用命令介绍 1、gitlab-runner --debug run,如果你遇到一些错误,可以使用这个命令来在前端(控制台运行),查看log 2、gitlab-runner run --user jafir(普通用户),如果需要切换用户可...
GitLab Runner是一个开源项目,用于在GitLab CI/CD中执行作业。它允许您在自己的基础设施上运行作业,以便更好地控制和管理您的CI/CD流程。 当GitLab Runner注册失败...
Gitlab 13.0.1-ee (on docker) integrated with K8s cluster 1.17.5 on Rancher 2.4.3 As previous runner not work (offline), tried to install Gitlab Runner (Admin Area > Kubernetes Clusters > kubernetes > Application) However, the New runner has not connected yet and the previous old runner ...
注册runner成功。状态要显示绿色圆圈才表示在线,如果显示黑色,感叹号,则注册的runner是有问题的,会影响流水线的执行。 如果显示黑色,提示“New runner.Has not connected yet”,尝试以下操作 删除/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml 将~/.gitlab-runner/config.toml拷贝到/etc/gitlab-runner/目录 ...
"new runner has not connected yet" kubernetes Summary Version: 11.6.1 (598c5a7b) kubernetes on-premise cluster "new runner has not connected yet" Steps to reproduce Add a new kubernetes on-premise cluster and Install At GitLab Runner What is the current bug behavior? Runner is not ready...
(1)安装GitLab-Runner (2)注册Runner 三、常用命令 GitLab CI/CD介绍 首先使用一张图说明GitLab CI的工作流程: GitLab CI是 GitLab 提供的持续集成服务,只要在你的仓库根目录 创建一个.gitlab-ci.yml文件, 并为该项目指派一个Runner,当有合并请求或者 push的时候就会触发build。
sudo chmod +x /Users/jpq/gitlab-runner 1. 安装 gitlab-runner install 1. 启动 gitlab-runner start 1. 注册到gitlab上 gitlab-runner register --url --registration-token $REGISTRATION_TOKEN 1. 注册执行器 执行上文中的第5步后我们就需要注册runner到gitlab上: ...
可以看到提示 ERROR: Job failed: setting GIT_CLONE_PATH is not allowed, enable `custom_build_dir` feature 意思是说不允许设置 GIT_CLONE_PATH 变量,需要设置 custom_build_dir 属性。 我们参考 The [runners.custom_build_dir] section 来设置 custom_build_dir 属性。 我们查看一下GitLab Runner的配置文...