usermod -aG docker gitlab-runner sudo service docker restart 1. 2.
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock 原因:由于gitlab-runner没有docker组的权限 解决: usermod -aG docker gitlab-runner systemctl restart docker
You've installed GitLab Runner without the ability to use 'docker in docker'. The GitLab Runner chart (gitlab/gitlab-runner) is deployed without the `privileged` flag by default for security purposes. This can be changed by setting `gitlab-runner.runners.privileged` to `true`. Before doin...
在执行docker命令时,碰到以下错误 Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.26/images/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied "docker rmi" requires at least 1...
GitLab CI with docker and dind "mount: permission denied (are you root?)" 今天配置gitlab-runner时候出现以上错误,在官网中找到答案
What do I have to do in order to make this "permission denied" error go away ? Other steps/trials: I tried as well to make thegitlab-runner registerwith a "docker" container, such as: gitlab-runnerregister\--non-interactive\--url""\--registration-token"TOKENABCED...
c.拉取测试 git clone ssh://git@ 出现了下边字符则表明成功: Cloning into 'test-demo1'... warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. 可以看看docker+gitlab+jenkins持续集成配置哦。
在使用 gitlab:gitlab-runner CI/CD 时,报如下错误:没有权限 这是.gitlab-ci.yml 的内容 stages: - package - build package: stage: package script: - /usr/local/maven/apache-maven-3.5.3/bin/mvn clean package - cp target/itoken-config-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar docker - cd docker/ - docker ...
Permission denied when using Kubernetes executor and a rootless docker image: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/builds’: Permission denied I deployed a gitlab-runner with this helm chart values: replicas:3imagePullPolicy:IfNotPresentgitlabUrl:
The GitLab Runner service sends logs to syslog. To view the logs, see your distribution documentation. If your distribution includes thejournalctlcommand, you can use the command to view the logs: journalctl--unit=gitlab-runner.service-n100--no-pagerdocker logs gitlab-runner-container# Dockerkub...