在执行docker命令时,碰到以下错误 Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.26/images/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied "docker rmi" requires at least 1...
可以参考GitLab Runner的官方文档进行安装和注册。 检查GitLab Runner的配置文件。配置文件通常位于GitLab Runner的安装目录下,可以使用文本编辑器打开进行编辑。确保配置文件中的shell选项设置为bash或shell,而不是disabled。例如: 检查GitLab Runner的配置文件。配置文件通常位于GitLab Runner的安装目录下,可...
/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml concurrent = 1[[runners]]url = "URL_GOES_HERE"token = "TOKEN_GOES_HERE"name = "RUNNER_NAME"executor = "shell"shell = "bash"privileged = true[runners.ssh][runners.docker]image = ""privileged = false[runners.parallels]base_name = "" When I start the C...
Register runner (picking shell again as executor) docker run \--rm -t -i \-v gitlab-runner-config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register Same results. $ apt-get update -qqE: List directory /var/lib/apt/lists/partial is missing. - Acquire (13: Permission denied)ERROR: Job...
修改镜像拉取策略 修改配置文件:/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml 在对应 runner 节点下添加 pull_...
首先需要使用如下命令进入到gitlab-runner容器内 #查看容器$sudo docker ps#可以看到窗口 ID ,然后使用如下命令$sudo dockerexec-it 容器ID /bin/bash 方法一: $sudo groupadd docker$sudo gpasswd -a gitlab-runner docker$sudo service docker restart ...
shell 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 成功后将显示: 停止和卸载 # 停止服务 gitlab-runner stop # 卸载服务 gitlab-runner uninstall # 清理文件 rm -rf /Users/jpq/gitlab-runner # 删除用户 userdel -r gitlab-runner ...
# 输入一个Runner的description ,可以在稍后的GitLab的UI中更改这个描述 Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner # 输入Runner的tags(这个tags后面会用到) Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated) # 选择Runner的执行者 我选择 shell ...
10.报错: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database .git/objects 进入到项目目录/var/www/html/public-agent-project/public-agent,然后给.git/objects添加权限 sudo chmod 777 -R .git/objects 11.gitlab-runner执行shell脚本时报错 sudo: no tty present and no askpass program spe...
Permission denied /home/admin/tools/gitlab-8.9.6-0/apps/gitlab-workhorse/scripts/ctl.sh : gitlab-workhorse could not be started /home/admin/tools/gitlab-8.9.6-0/apps/gitlabci/gitlabci-multirunner/scripts/ctl.sh : gitlabci_multirunner started Syntax OK /home/admin/tools/gitlab-8.9.6-...