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在Pipeline详情页面中,点击失败的作业,查看其日志输出。 日志中通常会包含详细的错误信息,比如编译错误、测试失败等。根据错误信息调整Pipeline配置或代码: 根据日志中的错误信息,对.gitlab-ci.yml文件或代码进行相应的调整。 例如,如果是因为依赖包没有正确安装导致的编译失败,可以在脚本中添加安装依赖包的命令。重新...
每个阶段都有对应的脚本(script),用于执行相应的操作。 ### 步骤3:触发Pipeline执行 推送.gitlab-ci.yml文件到GitLab仓库后,打开GitLab项目页面,点击“CI/CD” -> “Pipelines”,然后点击“Run Pipeline”按钮,触发Pipeline执行。 ### 步骤4:查看Pipeline执行结果 等待Pipeline执行完成后,查看执行结果。如果Pipeline...
To find out what caused your pipeline failure, click on the link to build that you can see in the screenshot, and that will take you to a log of the build job. My guess is that you might be missing some variables such as an API token that allows you to connect to Digital Ocean,...
本次(pipeline #7)流水线由于在作业 find Bugs 检查不通过,导致整个流水线运行失败,后续的作业不会执行: Attention 默认情况下,GitLab Runner运行器每次只执行一个作业,只有当满足以下条件之一时,才会真正的并行执行: 作业运行在不同的运行器上; 你修改了运行器的 concurrent 设置,默认情况下 concurrent = 1。 on...
# jenkins脚本5个必备的组成部分 pipeline:整条流水线 agent:指定执行器 stages:所有阶段 stage:某一阶段,可有多个 steps:阶段内的每一步,可执行命令 post:流水线完成后可执行的任务● always 无论流水线或者阶段的完成状态。● changed 只有当流水线或者阶段完成状态与之前不同时。● failure 只有当流水线或者阶段...
这是官方对两个版本的说明:Why use Enterprise Edition To be able to use GitLab Enterprise Edition...
Pipeline292454on 'master' failed for commit832c5f76. Failed job(s): review_gke122 review_4_11 review_gke review_4_12 Instructions Please create a new issue (or multiple issues) and link them to this issue. Tip: you can create a related issue directly by clicking the vertical ellipsis in...
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1 GitLab CI/CD ci , runner , pipelines 2 45551 March 9, 2021 ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1 on multi-runner GitLab CI/CD 0 2311 November 21, 2017 The CI/CD Pipeline suddenly fails without any changes done to th...