= null) { try { // 当前存在的jar包 NamingEnumeration<Binding> enumeration = resources.listBindings(getJarPath()); int i = 0; while (enumeration.hasMoreElements() && (i < length)) { NameClassPair ncPair = enumeration.nextElement(); String name = ncPair.getName(); // Ignore non JARs...
四、过滤新增分支特殊的push请求 有一些特殊的push请求如新建分支,这样也执行pipeline流水线显然不合适,所有需要过滤这一类特殊的push请求 https://github.com/jenkinsci/generic-webhook-trigger-plugin/tree/master/src/test/resources/org/jenkinsci/plugins/gwt/bdd/gitlab #官方示例 1.新增webhook post参数 2.添加...
https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/commits.html#post-the-build-status-to-a-commit 关于gitlab中pipeline的状态有:[pending, running, success, failed, canceled] 。 接口地址为projects/${projectId}/statuses/${commitSha}?state=state s 共享库创建一个文件src/org/devops/gitlab.groovy 1 2 3 4 5 6...
.gitignore 讓中文檔案在 Windows 環境中 git status 時不再顯示亂碼 git config --global core.quotepath false 1. git 的流程 當我建立一個版本庫時 (管理是 git init 或 git clone),會看到 local 端的有 master 這個名稱,就算它叫 master , 但仍是一個 branch,一開始開發的版本是跟 master branch 一...
There should be a failed pipeline with theyaml invalidlabel Implementation plan This implementation plan is based on!159124 (merged). We can pass a flag to sources that indicates if there are any overriding pipeline execution policies. If this is the case, we can ignore project CI/CD configs...
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
To make the pipeline status badge display only the last non-skipped status, use the?ignore_skipped=truequery parameter: Copy to clipboard https://gitlab.example.com/<namespace>/<project>/badges/<branch>/pipeline.svg?ignore_skipped=true
For unsupported events, return400or ignore the payload. Avoid500server error responses for handled events. Auto-disabled webhooks History The availability of this feature is controlled by a feature flag. For more information, see the history. ...
In the pipeline details, if you have integrated a Jenkins freestyle job, you will see a singlejob. If you integrated a pipeline job using the suggested Jenkinsfile, you should see two jobs -and.on any job and select. The Jenkins UI will load and you’ll see the build job that was ...
Ignore additional query parameters when opening MR or comment by URL Notify users when Git root is removed and related GitLab repository becomes "external" Add "Show 'Add Comment' icon" setting Other small improvements and bug fixes 2024.4.0.x ...