ERROR: Job failed: prepare environment: waiting for pod running: pulling image "": image pull failed: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = failed to pull and unpack image "
这个环节执行后,会在脚本执行之后,搜集指定目录的文件,上传到 Gitlab 的共享空间,并 Pipeline 页面生成下载链接,如下图所示: 这里生成的 JAR 文件将在后续用来构建 Docker 镜像。 在Pod 内构建 Docker 镜像 Docker 提供了一个 dind 镜像,意思就是“Docker in Docker”。但它使用的是使用 EntryPoint 启动守护进程...
Some of the jobs in the pipeline are based on Docker images from the project's container registry. Those jobs are now failing in the preparation phase of the job (i.e. in thePreparing the docker+machine" executorphase) when the executor is trying to pull the image for the job. ...
Prior to that change, only the image name was used directly under "image:" (which is an alias for image->name:). After this change, the pipeline job "build-job-el9" was able to execute commands within the launched RockyLinux 9 container: Executing "step_script" stage of the job script...
Failed to pull imagemessages History A runner might return aFailed to pull imagemessage when trying to pull a container image in a CI/CD job. The runner authenticates with aCI/CD job tokenwhen fetching a container image defined withimagefrom another project’s container registry. ...
The runner is able to connect, pull the image but randomly, this pipeline fails with the common ERROR: Job failed (system failure): Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? (docker.go:659:120s) ...
pipeline config looks good, so I would look somewhere else. You also haven’t mention which job fails. I see they are using different GitLab Runners. Since you haven’t posted the entire job output it’s hard see what exactly fails, but I suggest to look if the serv...
If any of these tests fail, the rspec fail-fast job fails, triggering a fail-pipeline-early job to run. The fail-pipeline-early job: Cancels the currently running pipeline and all in-progress jobs. Sets pipeline to have status failed. For example: ...
WARNING: Failedtopull imagewithpolicy"": image pull failed: rpcerror: code = Unknown desc = failedtopullandunpack image"": failedtoresolve reference"
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