* include/freetype/ftimage.h (FT_Bitmap): Describe empty bitmap. Aug 26, 2024 objs * builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj: AfterBuild copy. Dec 17, 2017 src * src/bdf/bdflib.c (bdf_parse_start_): Reserve space for artificial p… ...
1.安装gitlab,选择windows即可 https://git-scm.com/downloads 安装成功,点击GIt Bash弹出一个黑框框就说明安装成功 安装完成之后,需要设置自己的姓名和邮箱 1 2 $ git config --global user.name"name" $ git config --global user.email"email" 2.创建版本库 1.首先找一个合适的位置,创建一个目录,可以...
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
(地址:https://about.gitlab.com/install/?version=ce)。懒得自己安装可以直接拖官方的 docker镜像....
wget --content-disposition --no-check-certificate https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/packages/ubuntu/focal/gitlab-ce_16.10.1-ce.0_amd64.deb/download.deb wget --content-disposition --no-check-certificate https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/packages/ubuntu/focal/gitlab-...
Git for Windows includes Git Credential Manager. Git Credential Manager is developed primarily by GitHub, Inc. It is an open-source project and is supported by the community. git-credential-oauth git-credential-oauthsupports GitLab.com and several popular public hosts without any manual configuration...
Download GitKraken Desktop Free Available on:Windows, Mac or Linux Undo Git Mistakes in the Command Line Last but not least, one of the knottiest problems when it comes to Git is the process of undoing an action. From a high level perspective, Git “works” with the following three main ...
首先下载sourcetree,官网下载地址:Sourcetree | Free Git GUI for Mac and Windows 下载git,官网下载地址:链接链接:Git - Downloads. 下载完git后新建文件夹右击出现git bush here时下载成功 下载完毕后会出现打不开sourcetree的问题 解决办法:在目录C:\Users\{youruser}\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree 下创建文...
You need Git for Windows before you can install GitLab on a Windows server. You can download the software from the official website. You should also assign a unique password for the user account unless you are going to use the default system account....
Git最新版下载地址:Git for Windows TortoiseGit下载地址:Download – TortoiseGit – Windows Shell Interface to Git TortoiseGit是一个图形化的Git操作软件,把很多git命令行变成一个个按钮,并且可以提供界面可以给你查看对比提交前后的区别,简化流程,提高效率。