如果出现下面错误用新版的 ERROR: column "signin_enabled" of relation "application_settings" does not exist LINE 1: update application_settings SET signin_enabled=true; 因为这个版本还有 signup_enabled可以在数据库关掉自主注册,但是没有 signin_enabled这个了,有这个东西sign_in_text_html,可以在首页左中...
取消Gitlab默认的登录窗口,访问http:// (注意不要勾选下面的"Sign-in enabled"选择) Gitlab访问出现403"Forbidden"现象 出现的可能原因:较多的并发导致的访问被拒绝, Gitlab使用rack_attack做了并发访问的限制! 解决办法:打开/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb文件,查找 gitlab_rails[...
label:'哈哈集团-Gitlab登录入口'该配置表示使用LDAP账号登录时显示的界面提示信息。 取消Gitlab默认的登录窗口,访问http://注意不要勾选下面的"Sign-in enabled"选择) Gitlab访问出现403"Forbidden"现象 出现的可能原因:较多的并发导致的访问被拒绝, Gitlab使用rack_attack做...
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
windows中git-cmd的使用 # 步骤 # 1.创建一个目录 mkdirmuke_vedio_test # 2.进入目录将当前目录变为git管理仓库 git init # 3.将文件添加到版本库,这里将目录下的所有文件都添加进去了 git add . # 4.告诉git将文件提交到仓库 git commit -m"first-commit" ...
During the rebrand process, Inter was one of many typefaces considered because it was open source and designed for UI. Choosing a font primarily designed for digital output might seem like an odd choice for branding and print application, but the primary extension and experience is the product ...
Application cache interval Compliance Audit events administration Audit event streaming for instances CI/CD Compute minutes Job artifacts Troubleshooting Job logs Secure files External pipeline validation Maintenance console commands ClickHouse for analytics Consul Cron Custom HTML header tag...
Application cache interval Compliance Audit events administration Audit event streaming for instances CI/CD Compute minutes Job artifacts Troubleshooting Job logs Secure files External pipeline validation Maintenance console commands ClickHouse for analytics Consul Cron Custom HTML header tag...
As of GitLab4J-API 4.2.0 support has been added for GitLab API V4. If your application requires GitLab API V3, you can still use GitLab4J-API by creating your GitLabApi instance as follows: // Create a GitLabApi instance to communicate with your GitLab server using GitLab API V3 ...