1)Use MinTTY (the default terminal of MSYS2) 使用MinTTY(MSYS2的默认终端)相对于控制台,MinTTY 有更好的字体显示效果,以及舒服的操作方式。 2)Use windows default console window (使用Windows默认的控制台窗口,这个想必大家都是用过吧,也就是常见的CMD窗口) 我们这里选择默认的第一项,然后点击 “Next” 进行...
在~/.ssh/config文件中配置远程仓库主机以及相应的私钥路径。 Git Credential Managers 使用Git 凭证管理器: 对于Windows 用户,可以使用 Git Credential Manager Core 或以前版本的 Git Credential Manager for Windows。 这些工具将 Git 凭证集成到系统的安全存储中(如 Windows 凭证管理器)且支持多种集成方式(如 OAuth...
在Windows上,你可以使用Git Credential Manager for Windows(GCM)。安装后,Git会自动使用它来存储和检索凭据。 在macOS上,你可以使用git-credential-osxkeychain来存储凭据。你可以通过运行以下命令来安装它(如果尚未安装): bash git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain 在Linux上,你可以使用libsecret、gno...
Git for Windows includes Git Credential Manager. Git Credential Manager is developed primarily by GitHub, Inc. It is an open-source project and is supported by the community. git-credential-oauth git-credential-oauth supports GitLab.com and several popular public hosts without any manual configu...
This remembers the credentials for an hour, after which Git operations require re-authentication.If you are using OS X you can use osxkeychain to store and encrypt your credentials. For Windows, you can use wincred or Microsoft's Git Credential Manager for Windows....
I am using Paket and it internally uses installed git client to fetch repositories. I have installedhttps://github.com/Microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windowsand configured it using git config --global credential.interactive never when i run git commands used in paket on ci machine, they ...
OS X を使っている場合は、osxkeychainを使って認証情報を保存・暗号化することができます。Windows の場合は、wincredあるいは Microsoft のGit Credential Manager forWindows を使います。 ユーザー認証情報を保存するさまざまな方法の詳細については、Git Credential Storage ドキュメントを参照くださ...
This will remember the credentials for an hour after which Git operations will require re-authentication. If you are using OS X you can useosxkeychainto store and encrypt your credentials. For Windows, you can usewincredor Microsoft'sGit Credential Manager for Windows. ...
This will remember the credentials for an hour after which Git operations will require re-authentication. If you are using OS X you can useosxkeychainto store and encrypt your credentials. For Windows, you can usewincredor Microsoft'sGit Credential Manager for Windows. ...
如果使用的是Windows,可以安装Git Credential Manager for Windows。与Mac特有的osxkeychain模式类似。 以上配置如下实现: git config --global credential.helper cache git config --global credential.helper store --file ~/.my-credentials # 添加--file选项自定义存储位置,默认为~/.git-credentials ...