– 确保您的选择正确无误,然后点击“Install”按钮。 – 安装程序将开始安装Git for Windows包,并在完成后显示安装成功的信息。 步骤10:完成安装 – 点击“Finish”按钮关闭安装向导。 – 现在,您已经成功安装了Git for Windows包,可以开始使用它进行版本控制了。 注意:安装过程中可能会提示您安装Git Credential Ma...
Git凭证管理核心 ( NEW! ) 使用新的跨平台版本的 Git Credential Manager。 在此处查看有关 Git Credential Manager 未来的更多信息。 Git Credential Manager (DEPRECATED) The Git Credential Manager for Windows handles credentials e.g. for Azure DevOps and GitHub(requires .NET framework v4.5.1 or later...
1. 使用Git Credential Manager(Windows系统): –在Windows上安装Git Credential Manager for Windows(GCM)。 – 打开Git Bash或命令提示符,运行以下命令设置凭证管理器为Git全局配置: “` git config –global credential.helper manager “` 2. 使用Git Credential Manager(Mac或Linux系统): –在Mac上安装Git Cred...
The Git Credential Manager for Windows provides secure Git credential storage for Windows,most notably multi-factor authentication support for Visual Studio Team Services and GitHub. (requires .NET framework v4.5.1 or or later). Windows的Git凭证管理器为Windows提供安全的Git凭证存储,最显着的是对Visual...
After installation, Git will use the Git Credential Manager for Windows and you will only need to interact with any authentication dialogs asking for credentials. The GCM stays invisible as much as possible, so ideally you’ll forget that you’re depending on GCM at all. ...
The Git Credential Manager for Windows provides secure Git credential storage for Windows,most notably multi-factor authentication support for Visual Studio Team Services and GitHub. (requires .NET framework v4.5.1 or or later). Windows的Git凭证管理器为Windows提供安全的Git凭证存储,最显着的是对Visual...
The Credential Manager deployment helpers (install.cmdandGCMW-{version}.exe) are focused on support forGit for Windowsbecause Git for Windows conforms to the expected/normal behavior of software on Windows. It is easy to detect, has predictable installation location, etc. This makes supporting it...
https://registry.npmmirror.com/binary.html?path=git-for-windows/ 选择对应的版本,前面带有rc0、rc1字样的都是预发布的候选版本,一般选不带这个字样的即可; 版本选择windows可执行的文件安装; 各版本区别 Git-2.40.1-32-bit.exe / Git-2.40.1-64-bit.exe: ...
Install Git Credential Manager Windows Download and run the latestGit for Windows installer, which includes Git Credential Manager. Make sure to enable the Git Credential Manager installation option. macOS and Linux You mayuse SSH keysto authenticate to Azure Repos, or you may useGit Credential Man...
Installation instructions are included in the GitHub repository for GCM. On Mac, we recommend using Homebrew. On Linux, you can install from a .deb or a tarball.Using the Git Credential ManagerWhen you connect to a Git repository from your Git client for the first time, the credential ...